New Vasyuky Park in Odesa

New Vasyuky Park in Odesa

When talking about Odesa attractions, what mostly comes to mind is its beaches, aqua parks and other water-related attractions. However, Odesa can also offer many other locations for active leisure with friends and family. The newest addition to the list of such places is New Vasyuky entertainment park.

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New Vasyuky is relatively new park in Odesa that was opened two years ago. It features authentic Ukrainian vernacular architecture and lavish green gardens. The complex offers a small pet zoo, various amusement attractions and a lot of space for picnics on green lawns. After visiting New Vasyuky park not many would believe that before the park it was an ordinary junk yard. It took some time and a lot of hard work to transform it into family-friendly oasis full of greenery and animals living in comfortable conditions.

Initially New Vasyuky was established as ostrich farm, however the place began to gather so many visitors, that the owners decided to expand the territory of the farm and turn it into perfect leisure destination for visitors of different ages and interests. The park consists of ostrich farm, contact and pet zoo, craftsmen village, luna-park and barbecue area. In the nearest future the park will also offer fishing ponds and sauna complex.
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Children especially love the zoo at New Vasyuky. Here they can observe various animal species that are not easy to find on the territory of Ukraine. There special feeding sessions organized by the zoo keepers during which children are allowed to feed and even pet animals. Monkeys, donkeys, goats, various rodents and other animals are very friendly and safe to spend time with.

Ostrich farm is another reason so many visitors come to New Vasyuky. Guests can learn interesting facts about these funny giant birds. There are several breeds of ostriches on the farm: African, Australian and South American. Many visitors stock up on ostrich eggs (which weight up to 1,5 kg) at the local farmer’s shop.


Craftsmen village introduces numerous visitors to the most ancient Ukrainian crafts such as blacksmithing, weaving, beekeeping, pottery, wine cooperage craft and many others. Local winery will offer delicious sorts of wine and other authentic strong liquors.

For barbecue enthusiast Park New Vasyuky in Odesa offers spacious area with comfortable wooden pavilions that have all the necessary grill equipment. For those who want to stay more than one day, the complex offers a small B&B on its territory. It stands on river bank and offers beautiful view over the park from all the windows and balconies.

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Address: 11, Velykodolynska Doroga, Molodizhne Village, Odesa Region.
Photo source: New Vasyuky web page. All images belong to their rightful owners.


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