6 Amazing Buildings in Ukraine

6 Amazing Buildings in Ukraine

Sometimes strangeness is a function of amazing architecture where we least expect it. 6 amazing buildings in Ukraine, is a list of  odd, eye-popping structures that are worth a tour.

Crossword Puzzle Building in Lviv

Located in a quiet residential area near Struysky Park in Lviv, the crossword  puzzle building in Lviv attracts many curios glances of passers by. The huge crossword puzzle 30m by 18m is actually a real thing. On the day of official opening of the residential complex the building is a part of, the developer hosted a major event that involved solving of this crossword puzzle and answers were actually put on the wall.
Read: 5 Unusual Things To Do in Lviv

Upside Down House in Polyanytsya

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Upside Down House was built in Polyanytsya village in Carpathians, just on route to the popular Bukovel ski resort. Upside Down House is inverted not only outside but also inside - all furniture is attached to the ceiling.  This is very popular tourist attraction of the region.

Pysanka Museum in Kolomyia

This Easter Egg Museum is the largest Pysanka (Easter Egg) in the World. Amazing architectural construction, shaped as a huge almost 14 meters high painted Easter egg, with adjoined building had been raised at Kolomyya’s central square just within 90 days and immediately became town’s brightest trademark.

Flat House in Odesa

This building in Odesa looks pretty simple from the frontal side. However, when you change the perspective you can spot that there is a reason why it is called the ‘flat house’. 
The thing is when one stands in front of the house it seems to be the ordinary old one with fine hammered balconies, original cornices and stucco work on its walls; it doesn’t differ much from the rest of the edifices of the Odesa historical part. However, if you look at it from a certain angle, the house will present a new image of itself, giving an impression of being completely flat as though the house features only facade wall.

House with Chimeras in Lutsk

This is the house-workshop of local sculptor Mykola Golovan, who has been working here for over 30 years. Decorated with sculptures of beasts, birds and mythical creatures and demonstrating many different styles including gothic, renaissance, modernism, the house is famous in Lutsk and is a popular sight for visitors of the city.

Friend House Hotel near Dnipro

"Friend House" ecohotel is located on 3 hectares plot in forest resort zone aside of Orel river bank, 30 km far from Dnipro. It is a single-floor group of buildings with open yards, parking, terraces, garden and park zones (covered area 1750 square meters). During the siting process, an ineologycal analysis of the region was made, taking into account Earth energy -information field conception. It is space, reflected in details, surrounded by wildlife. Nestled in a Ukrainian forest sits a very unusual hotel that looks as if it's been built by a bird like the Rufous Hornero. Made entirely from local, biodegradable materials like clay, reeds and wood, the Friend House Hotel was in fact developed by Ryntovt Design.
Read: Top-5 unusual hotels in Ukraine
Image source: shutterstock.com, pinterest.com, archdaily.com. All images belong to their rightful owners. 


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