IPR as a Tool for Development: the ACC event

IPR as a Tool for Development: the ACC event

In the context of raising Ukraine’s investor profile, improving conditions for doing business and further economic development, the issue of proper intellectual property rights protection is gaining momentum.

The level of respect for intellectual property rights is one of the decisive factors for investors. Lack of knowledge is one of the reasons why intellectual property rights are widely and severely violated in Ukraine. 
The American Chamber of Commerce has decided to bring this important problem to light by organizing a thematic event “Innovations & Creativity: IPR as a Tool for Development”. With the help of this event, we hope to define major pain points faced by investors in the sphere of IPR and raise awareness among the general public of Ukraine. 
Representatives of the U.S. Embassy, Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine, management of the leading international companies – Chamber members, state bodies, members of parliament as well as activists of civil society are invited to participate in the event. 
In the program: 
*4 panel discussions, dedicated to intellectual property rights protection in different industries of the Ukrainian economy (IT, Culture, Healthcare and Seeds);
*Tasty snacks and drinks, thematic photo zone and press zone (designed for journalists to interview our guests);
*Networking with interesting people.

For accreditation, please contact Anastasiya Shyrina, Communications Coordinator at the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine, by phone +38 050 067 18 66 or by e-mail ashyrina@chamber.ua

Date: June 10th, Friday
Time: 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. 
Location: 5, Velyka Vasylkivska, Kyiv, 5th floor of Fedoriv Hub, Arena City.


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