Book Arsenal International Festival in Kyiv

Book Arsenal International Festival in Kyiv

Photo: Book Arsenal Official Facebook pageThe largest event in Ukraine that unites art and literature, Book Arsenal International Festival dedicated to the Word Book and Copyright Day, celebrated on April 23, will be held in Mystetskyi Arsenal during April 20-24, 2016 in Kyiv.

Book Arsenal International Festival is an the largest annual event in Eastern Europe, held since 2011, dedicated to art and literature, which is aimed to promote Ukrainian literary environment and book market through international exchange and dissemination of best practices. Each year the festival brings together over 200 prominent Ukrainian and international writers, artists and experts in the publishing industry. Book Arsenal has a distinct interdisciplinary approach with a great variety of programs: literary, art, music, children and other.

Photo: Book Arsenal Official Facebook page
The VI Book Arsenal, apart from its traditional program, will present an expanded international section of the book fair and special ‘Cafe Europe’ scene. In particular, the collective stand of German publishing houses and special program within the festival will be presented for the first time in Kyiv in partnership with the Frankfurt Book Fair, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany and the Goethe Institute in Ukraine.

Photo: Book Arsenal Official Facebook page
The 2016 festival edition will also feature public speeches and presentations of famous writers, philosophers, literary figures and artists from over 10 countries. Famous Ukrainian writers will curate special projects as a part of artistic program of Book Arsenal. And, of course, traditional book exhibition and fair, featuring more than 170 Ukrainian and international leading publishers, will be held during all days of the festival.

Photo: Book Arsenal Official Facebook page
The feature that highlights Book Arsenal among other Eastern European book fairs is its media interactive format with public interviews, intellectual debates among popular authors, famous philosophers and journalists, experimental literary and musical performances, artistic program and separate children’s zone with various workshops and educational platforms.
Dive into spectacular world of art and literature and get real intellectual and aesthetic pleasure with Book Arsenal International Festival in Kyiv!


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