Museum of Vintage Macs Opened in Kyiv

Museum of Vintage Macs Opened in Kyiv

Ukrainian company MacPaw has recently opened a unique museum in Kyiv. The owner of the company has decided to contribute to the historical education of users and opened in the Ukrainian capital the Museum of vintage Macs. MacPaw Museum exposition is located in the office of the company. The collection includes 70 items, including 13 iconic computers, such as the Macintosh 128k signed by Steve Wozniak.

The history of the museum in Kyiv is rather interesting. Tekserve, a small repair shop in the very heart of New York city, specialized in fixing then-hardly-known brand of computers — Macintosh, was very popular among New Yorkers, who were first Mac users back in the days. As the shop grew and became a landmark Apple dealer, the Tekserve team found themselves surrounded by beautiful Macs of all kinds. In twenty years they decided to turn the best of them, groundbreaking models, as they put it into a museum-like exhibition.
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But after the shop was closed down, the whole collections of iconic computers had to find a new home and to do it fast. The whole collection was put on an auction. MacPaw’s CEO Olexandr Kosovan heard about the auction and secretly bought all of the iconic Macintosh computers.
That is how almost 40 Macs from every generation were reverently moved to MacPaw’s Ukrainian office. MacPaw also plans on adding the few missing models to perfect the collection.

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To attend the museum one needs to register for a tour on a MacPaw Facebook page. Visiting the museum is free of charge.
Photo source: All images belong to their rightful owners. 


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