‘Hit/Love’ Performance in Kiev

‘Hit/Love’ Performance in Kiev

Photo: ShutterstockRecently formed experimental Wild Theater goes on with the study of human sexuality. Its next performance in Kiev will be honest, sometimes painful. ‘Hit/Love’ performance will be shown in Kiev on August 12, 2016.

The play ‘Hit/Love’ was created on the basis of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch’s "Venus in Furs" novel. This book, written in 1869, was the first fixation of conscious social-psychological phenomenon of masochism.

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The story itself tells about lives of two young people who are brought together by destiny. However, there is always an issue: each of them has own idea of partnership, relations and intimacy. Each of them has own preferences. In order to be together the two have to give up on something for each other. Or maybe they do not? Will the characters come to compromise? Will the compromise require impossible things from them, so that th only way left will be to disperse?

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Photo: Wild Theter Official Facebook page
Antoniy Khodorovsky, the director of the play, comments on the performance: "The main purpose is not to cross the boundaries, but to make viewer be more honest with oneself. This is one of the main reasons for the existence of art, isn’t it?"
Wild Theater is an independent contemporary theater that speaks to its audience on extremely acute, urgent, exciting and sometimes painful topics.
WARNING! Some performances may contain swearing, sex scenes, violence and smoking.
When: August 12, 2016, 8pm
Where: MonteRay Club (8 Prorizna str., Kiev)
Experience new emotions at ‘Hit/Love’ performance in Kiev.


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