Detection by Alla Volobyeva: Contemporary Art Exhibition

Detection by Alla Volobyeva: Contemporary Art Exhibition

The present series brings together the macrocosm and the microcosm, exploring external and internal topographies of the natural and metaphysical worlds.

The artist writes: "The contemporary world is a huge digital simulation. People are concerned with making money, for which we are willing to sacrifice our own energy, the energy of the sun, water, nature... we think that we have freedom and our personal space, but instead we are constantly being surveyed. Modern technologies allow us to detect every square centimeter from outer space, and it is up to us to find that private space that allows us to be ourselves and escape... detection."
Read: Contemporary Art Galleries in Ukraine
Alla Volobyeva was born in Kyiv in April 1984. She studied at the Republican Taras Shevchenko Art School (1996 - 2002) and graduated from the Fine Art Department of the National Academy of Fine Art and Architecture (2002 - 2008), where she studies under Mykhailo Guida. She is a laureate of the International Young Artist Animation Prize (Florence, Italy; 2006) and a frequent winner of the First and Third Prizes of the V. Shatalin Prize. Alla Volobyeva has exhibited widely across the world, including Ukraine, Italy, Switzerland, China, Tibet. She lives and works in Kyiv and loves her dog and the moon.
When and where:
7-21 of June, 2018
Triptych: Global Arts Workshop
34, Andriyivsky Descent, Kyiv
Free entrance


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