Winter Skin Care Recommendations

Winter Skin Care Recommendations

It may feel a little cliché to talk about adjusting your skincare routine along with your wardrobe as we go from summer to winter, but there’s a reason why so many people do. The change in humidity, the exposure to indoor heaters, and blustery winds actually can make skin drier and duller. These elemental conditions can also exasperate skin sensitivity, redness, and even itchiness or flaking. Dry skin is so fragile, and you have to do more to protect your lipid layer.

Fashion magazines’ editors and beauty bloggers came up with some very handy winter skincare tips.
Moisturize More. You may have found a moisturizer that works just fine in spring and summer. But as weather conditions change, so, too, should your skin care routine. Find an "ointment" moisturizer that's oil-based, rather than water-based, as the oil will create a protective layer on the skin that retains more moisture than a cream or lotion. (Hint: Many lotions labeled as "night creams" are oil-based.)
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Use the Sunscreen. No, sunscreen isn't just for summertime. Winter sun -- combined with snow glare -- can still damage your skin. Try applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen to your face and your hands (if they're exposed) about 30 minutes before going outside. Reapply frequently if you stay outside a long time.

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Give Your Hands a Helping Hand. The skin on your hands is thinner than on most parts of the body and has fewer oil glands. That means it's harder to keep your hands moist, especially in cold, dry weather. This can lead to itchiness and cracking. Wear gloves when you go outside; if you need to wear wool to keep your hands warm, slip on a thin cotton glove first, to avoid any irritation the wool might cause.

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Hook Up the Humidifier. Central heating systems (as well as space heaters) blast hot dry air throughout our homes and offices. Humidifiers get more moisture in the air, which helps prevent your skin from drying out. Place several small humidifiers throughout your home; they help to disperse the moisture more evenly.

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Grease Up Your Feet. Yes, those minty foot lotions are lovely in the hot summer months, but during the winter, your feet need stronger stuff. Try finding lotions that contain petroleum jelly or glycerin instead. And use exfoliant scrubs to get the dead skin off periodically; that helps any moisturizers you use to sink in faster and deeper.

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Ban Superhot Baths. Sure, soaking in a burning-hot bath feels great after frolicking out in the cold. But the intense heat of a hot shower or bath actually breaks down the lipid barriers in the skin, which can lead to a loss of moisture. You're better off with just warm water and staying in the water a shorter amount of time.

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Winter is harsh to our skin and we need to take care during this season. Check out these 6 essential winter skin care tips that everyone must know.
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