Sacral Places of Power in Ukraine

Sacral Places of Power in Ukraine

Photo: Shutterstock.comMystical ancient sanctuary-cult complexes and places of power in Ukraine inspire a lot of people to visit them and to discover not only the history of the country but also to learn more about inner features of our own personality and power of natural energy around us.

Forgotten gods, stone idols, giant altars, wooden statues, bizarre constructions and really powerful energetically places were the center of cultural life of our forefathers. And till nowadays there are a lot of sacral areas in Ukraine which can open some secrets to us and some new horizons of our past and our future and tell us more about the power of nature.
Stone tomb, Zaporozhia region

This is the oldest Ukrainian archaic monument. Stone tomb is not a burial dumping, but a natural stone mound of 12 meters height and of almost three kilometers in diameter. There were discovered 62 caves and 160 stone tablets with petroglyphs, the oldest of which is dated back to the III millennium BCE.


 In the XXth century the caves were whelmed with sand to prevent any unpredictable effects which were observed here by scientists, like antigravity, for example. This is the place where energy enters the Earth's surface. Dalai Lama has visited this place once and confirmed that it is a very special area which connects our Earth with God and Universe. It is considered to be the place with the female energy. It gives a bright, warm and pleasant feelings and positive emotions.

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Busha, Vinnytsia region

The Busha village in Yampolsky area is a unique historical and cultural reserve. Busha is bordered by three rivers that flow into one, which makes this place the one with strong energy. People come here for excursions to get rid of chronic illnesses and just to get some knowledge about sacral place and its history.

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Here you can find out some facts of history and legends, get into special contact with nature and get recharged energetically.
Igrets Mountain, Bukivets village, Carpathians

Here you can feel very relaxed and forget about any worries. There is a magnificent view of the Chorny Mountain and Chernohirsky Ridge, where there is snow until almost the end of June.

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Manyavsky priory, Ivano-Frankivsk region

There is a blessed stone near the monastery and under it the holy water is dripping. The stone is located less than in 1 kilometer from the monastery, but you need to climb the mountain to get there. There is entire peace and tranquility over there.

Uman, Pochaiv, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, and a lot other places are considered to be the strong energy areas in Ukraine. Discover this amazing country and get recharged with its harmonious power.


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