Places to Get Rid of Old Things in Kiev

Places to Get Rid of Old Things in Kiev

Photo: ShutterstockCollecting things that we do not use any more only clutters our lives and does not let us breathe freely. Here we offer you some ideas of places in Kiev where you can get rid of old things and help others at the same time.

Laska Charity Store

Photo: Laska Charity Store
Laska (Caress) Charity Store is based on a simple and widespread in the developed world idea: some people gratuitously bring something that they don’t need any more while the others buy it. The children clothes and the profit generated by the second-hand selling go for charity purposes to orphanages and resettlement centers, financing of social and urbanistic projects in Kiev. The store sells a bunch of various creative things: clothes, shoes, bags, accessories, furniture, books, vinyls, old-fashioned cameras and eco-friendly hand-made rugs from recycled materials.
3 Lypynskoho str., Kiev
15 Malopidvalna str., Kiev

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Photo: Foundation of Darina Zholdak
Foundation of Darina Zholdak in Kiev is engaged in projects that are aimed at promotion of reading, development of Ukrainian language, culture and art, as well as providing assistance to orphanages and hospitals. In order to help and give away books, you just need to order a special box that will be delivered to office or home and fill it with new and old books for children of different ages (from 3 to 16 years). These books will go to those children, who need them the most: to orphanages, boarding schools and hospitals.
You can order one of the boxes at the website: 

Read: Top 3 Places to Find Books in Foreign Languages in Kiev

Kurazh Bazar

Photo: Kurazh Bazar Official Facebook page
Kurazh Bazar is the biggest monthly flea market in Kiev, organized on the territory of a recently revitalized plant. The marketplace is divided into seven areas: clothing and shoes; jewelry and accessories; furniture; sports equipment; music and gadgets; children's area; and new fresh stuff. Taking part in the flea market is very easy: you simply need to sign up on the website. The key criteria for selection of the participants lays in interesting and unusual concept. Part of the revenues from the sold goods always goes to charity.
Where: Platforma Art-Zavod (1-A Belomorska str., Kiev)


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