Lviv Art Gallery

Lviv Art Gallery

Photo: Possibly the finest art museum in Ukraine, Lviv Art Gallery, is home to more than 60,000 pieces of art from all over the world.

Lviv Art Gallery’s history can be traced back to a Polish museum started in 1907 and expanded with additional collections in 1914 and 1929. Significantly, it features a large number of pieces by Polish artists that have been acquired during World War II, giving it the most impressive collection of Polish art outside of Poland.

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Lviv's main art repository has two wings: one in the lavish Pototsky Palace, and the other one is just around the corner on Stefanyka street. The Pototsky Palace wing houses an impressive collection of European art of 14th-18th centuries, including works of Rubens, Bruegel, Goya and Caravaggio. The wing on Stefanyka street contains 19th- and early-20th-century art as well as some 21st-century pieces. Superb collection of Polish art with some works by Jan Matejko is also presented over here.
The pride of the museum are Georges de la Tour’s “Payment of Dues” and Tiziano Vecellio’s “Portrait of a Man».

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Read: Mural Social Club: Festival of Street Art in Ukraine
With over 60 halls and more than 400 works on display from leading French, Italian, Austrian, German, Russian, Polish and Ukrainian masters, the exhibition presents different epochs and art movements. The halls on the ground floors regularly host thematic exhibitions, art lectures, discussion clubs and other art themed events. Last entrance is one hour before closure.

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Lviv Art Gallery is the largest and one of the finest art museums in Ukraine.
Address: 3, Stefanyka street, Lviv.
Open 11:00 - 17:00, Sun 12:00 - 16:00. Closed Mon


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