How to Ease Long Flight

How to Ease Long Flight

Photo: ShutterstockYou can rarely enjoy a long flight. Inconvenient posture, not always appetizing food, inability to sleep - all these inconveniences of traveling are well known to everyone. However, there are some ways to ease long flights and even make it pleasant.

Choose comfortable clothes: put on comfortable loose clothes and avoid wearing tight outfits and narrow high-heeled shoes, especially if you want to sleep well during the flight. And better bring a pair of socks with you as often the floor of the cabin is very cold.

Photo: Shutterstock
Prepare for the sleep: try to buy a special sound-proof headphones or high-quality earplugs and put them on before going to sleep and don’t forget the dark mask for the eyes.

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Drink water: your body really needs liquids during the flight. However, avoid alcohol, coffee and tea - these drinks interfere with normal sleep – choose water instead.

Photo: Shutterstock
Moisturize your skin: dry air in the cabin can be very harmful for skin, so apply a moisturizer on your face, hands and lips.

Read: Useful Advices on Travelling by Plane
Use your travelling time wisely: download movies you really wanted to watch for a long time on your tablet or laptop not to stare at the screen without any reason, bring your own book or take some work to do with – activity will distract you.

Photo: Shutterstock
Eat well: try not to fall into despair with meals offered on the board and don’t eat what you cannot stand, just have something to eat. Have a good dinner before boarding the aircraft and take some food that like with you!

Photo: Shutterstock
And, finally, stop worrying about the time lost in the way and think of it as an opportunity to dedicate those hours to get engaged in stuff that you wanted to do, but did not have time. Grab a snack, read a book, meditate, listen to music, emotionally prepare for the upcoming leisure or work - just sit back and relax!


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