General Tips
Often some pet owners neglect the most basic rules of staying safe during hot season, which leads to health problems within pets. To avoid any trouble, it’s necessary to remember the golden rules:
1. Make sure your pet has free access to water. Hydration is extremely important not only for humans, but dogs and cats as well. If you plan long walks, take a bottle of water and bowl with you or drop by the pet-friendly cafes that will take care of your friend.
2. Don’t leave pets in a closed stuffy room or car. The latter is one of the most spread reasons of pet mortality in summer. Even five minutes in a closed car can be incredibly harmful.
3. While staying indoors, pets should stay away from direct blow of air conditioner, as it can cause a cold. Besides, lying on a cold tile isn’t recommended as well — the temperature contrast often causes cystitis, that’s why placing light mats or houses is a good summer option.
4. Too much physical activity in the broad daylight can exhaust your pet — make sure the routine walks and exercises are not exceeded.
5. Finally, the general rule of thumb: if it is too hot to stay outside for a long time for you, it is definitely too hot for the pet.
Summer Diet
If your pet’s diet includes not only dry food but also seasonal products and meat, summer is a high time to change the diet plan. Two-times feeding with light snacks is the optimal plan when it comes to diet with dogs. If your pet is used to seasonal vegetables and boiled chicken meat, these products can take up a part of the daily ration. On the contrary, fatty meat and porridge with thick gravy are better to be avoided if the temperature hits +35 Celsius.
Read: How to Help Homeless Animals
Ticks and Safety
Starting early May, ticks flood many city parks and gardens, as well as cottages. The bites might be dangerous for both humans and pets, so it’s necessary to examine your skin, as well as your pet’s, after walks and trips to the cottages. Make sure there are no ticks, cuts, scrapes or any other skin damage. Anti-tick sprays that are often sold in pet shops drastically decrease the risk of bites when applied to the fur and skin of your pets.
How To Remove Ticks:
Tweezers or special tick removers sold in most pet shops are the suitable instruments in this situation. Never remove ticks with your fingers. Part your dog’s fur, and then pull out the tick by the body. Do not twist or pinch the head off, because in case the head stays inside the pet’s skin, it will further spread infection.
Read: Tips for Living in Kyiv with Your Dog
Note that ticks can cause various diseases, the most spread is babesiosis (also called piroplasmosis). The symptoms may include weakness, loss of appetite, thirst, fever, respiratory distress and indigestion. The telltale symptom is red or blackish urine. In case of any doubts, it is better to take your pet to the vet office and let the professionals plan the treatment strategy.
Heatstroke Emergency Care
Ukrainian summer weather often causes heatstrokes in humans and it is just as spread among dogs. The most prone breeds are Huskies, Laikas, Samoyeds, as well as pugs, bulldogs, and boxers. Often the common reason behind a heatstroke is intense physical activity, long exposure to intense heat or being in stuffy locations for a long period of time.
If your pet is extremely sleepy, weak, shows no interest in food and water, it’s the first call to take a closer look.
Read: Pets Friendly Hotels in Kyiv
The more extreme symptoms include nausea, indigestion, fever and spasms. Relocate your dog into a chilly place with fresh air access, and then place a cold wet cloth to the occipital part of the head and pads of the paws. If the dog doesn’t show any signs of getting better, call in for an urgent visit to the vet.
Useful Information & News
Destinations has made guides on pet-friendly fine dining spots in Kyiv and Lviv. These cafes and restaurants welcome pets and make sure to give them enough water or even treats while the owners relax with a dish of their own.
During this summer a new pet ambulance will be launched in Kyiv: the 24/7 team will take care of pets and homeless animals. The emergency care for the latter will be free.
Finally, since June 1 pets can be taken abroad only if they have a valid pet passport. The document is issued by state institutions of veterinary medicine and costs UAH 51. In order to get the passport, your pet needs to be clinically examined, vaccinated and dewormed. The passport is lifetime valid.
Photo source:, All images belong to their rightful authors.
How to Care for Pets in Summer

The hot season is already here and our pets need as much extra care as we do. Apart from intense hydration, there’s a lot more to remember when the temperature hits +30 Celsius. Here are some tips, as well as useful addresses and news that will come in handy in summer 2018.