Good Kiev Initiatives

Good Kiev Initiatives

Take a look at main cool Kiev initiatives that were realized in recent years thanks to the joint work of the administration, independent non-governmental organizations and, most importantly, people.

Centers of Administrative Services

Not so long ago, all the documentary questions, passport troubles, different certificate inquiries etc. are operated by special centers of administrative services in Kiev, organized in each district. There you can get advice on any issue. Some of them even have modern interior, fresh repair, Wi-Fi and a possibility to work inside with a laptop. The centers are usually located in the district administration building: not all of them are properly renovated, but even there, where the interior is reminiscent of the Soviet past, the European approach to issues covers all the disadvantages.


New patrol police was launched last summer in Kiev, the first of all Ukrainian cities. As befits a pioneer, a general discussion and response. The quality of work of the new ‘cops’ is obviously influenced by many external factors, lack of experience and the fact that the Ministry of Interior Affairs is only beginning the reform. Nevertheless, the general tendency is that the police cars with flashing lights are now causing a pleasant sensation of tranquility and well woven into the urban landscape, the police officers themselves make the impression of confidence and the future reforms in the Ministry of Internal Affairs inspire hope.


Payment with credit cards in the capital's subway was introduced last summer: at first it only worked on 17 stations, and after a successful winter testing, the system was launched everywhere in Kiev. And there is a reason for pride - Kiev is the fifth city in the world to introduce this innovative payment system. Paying the fare is now really convenient: instead of standing in endless queues at the token counter, now you can just use the card at the PayPass terminal at special yellow turnstiles. However, keep in mind that this privilege is only available for the owners of MasterCard – those who use VISA will have to wait for new innovations. However, the good new is that there is free Wi-Fi at some central stations.


Photo: GOGOLFEST Official Facbook page
Culture in the capital is developing exponentially. Today, to lay on the couch at home during weekends means to miss something important out of many activities. Festivals, concerts, film screenings, theater performances, museum programs, art fairs, exhibitions and many more cultural initiatives are happening in Kiev all week long (sometimes you are even forced to make a hard decision of choosing between two events taking place at the same time). The most pleasant thing is that the events are mostly about emerging talented artists, contemporary art and innovative genres in cultural fields.

Take the most out of the cool Kiev initiatives and that there much more changes to be done ahead, which depend on each single of us in the first place.


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