Alterhaus Service in Ukraine

Alterhaus Service in Ukraine

Photo: AlterhausAlterhaus service in Ukraine works the same way as many German construction companies: it is possible to choose one of the suggested repair options directly on the website, immediately calculate the cost and enter the ready-made apartment in 50 days.

Perhaps, the main difference between Alterhaus and other similar services is that the customer knows in advance how much the repair will cost, how long it will take and what it will result in the output.
The site offers four typical design options in Prague, Berlin, Tokyo and New York styles, each of which is represented in several choices of colors in warm and cold pallets. You can choose the option according to your taste and budget: the price range varies for 1 square meter. Quality of work is equally good, but, for example, for New York style more expensive materials and plumbing are used in contrast to more democratic Prague and Berlin design.

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Photo: Alterhaus
All materials, even wall painting samples, can be seen in the office. There you can also get acquainted with all the details of the project: from materials’ producers to the locations of the stores where they are bought. Furthermore, for an additional fee you can order a 3D-visualization of the project specifically for your estate.
The execution time for all apartments is the same - 50 working days. This is a prerequisite: Alterhaus takes all the responsibility and risks on itself and if a sudden timing shift occurred, the customer is reimbursed.

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Photo: Alterhaus
The repair costs include materials, flooring, tiles, window sills, doors and plumbing. According to the founder of Alterhaus, the company creates a canvas, on which the apartment owner can then develop personal decoration and create own masterpiece. The repair from Alterhaus is absolutely universal: the interior will be beautifully complemented with expensive furniture, as well as look good with simple and functional ikea.

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Photo: Alterhaus
However, Alterhaus, as a rule, does not deal with apartments in old buildings: it is difficult to assess in advance the communication state, calculate the cost of the works and the deadlines for their implementation for them. And this does not match with the main principles of Alterhaus.

Photo: Alterhaus
Most people order this kind of repair for rented estate, the one they do not want to spend a lot of time for.
Alterhaus values its reputation: the work is not completed until the company receives customer's positive feedback. Alterhaus is a revolutionary repair service in Ukraine that promises to make your life easier and your home – much more beautiful!


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