SALT National Restaurant Awards Winners

SALT National Restaurant Awards Winners

Photo: SALT official web pageSALT National Restaurant Awards ceremony was held on December 3rd, 2016 in Kyiv and it named leaders of Ukrainian restaurant and hospitality business. SALT Restaurant Awards is an annual meeting and award ceremony for the best restaurants of Ukraine.

Salt Restaurant Awards was founded in 2013 by Hoteliero and Restaurateurs Club and quickly became the main event of the year for the professional restaurant community of Ukraine. SALT Restaurant Awards are given to restaurants which have been selected by professional experts of the Awards and evaluated by independent international jury board. The annual award will highlight and evaluate the best restaurants in the country and will help them receive public recognition. The award for winners, SALT frying pan, is a symbol of quality of Ukrainian restaurants.
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In 2016 the best restaurants of Ukraine have been selected in 12 nominations:
Best coffee House - «London» Coffee House
Best Meat Restaurant - BEEF
Best Fish Restaurant - Ibsen
Best Restaurant of Ukrainian Cuisine - Kanapa
Best Restaurant of National Cuisine - Under Wonder
Best Confectionery - Cukernya (Lviv)
Restaurant with Best Wine List - Vintage Novue (Lviv)
Best Beer Restaurant - Pivnaya Duma
Best Restaurant of Creative Cuisine - Bao
Best New Restaurant - Ostannya Barykada
Best Bar - LoggerHead
Best City Cafe - Kotelok (Odessa)

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SALT National Restaurant Awards aims at development of the restaurant & hospitality industry in Ukraine for the purpose of increasing the competitive level of market players and informing consumers about the best Ukrainian restaurant business representatives.
Photo: SALT official web page


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