Chumatskiy Shlyakh Country Restaurant

Chumatskiy Shlyakh Country Restaurant

Chumatskiy Shalyakh (Milky Way) country restaurant is one of the best places near Kiev to spend a good time, eat well and discover interesting facts about Ukrainian culture.

At Chumatskiy Shlyakh country restaurant you will find yourself in an authentic Ukrainian village with traditional delicious food, cossak entertainment and a small zoo as in a real countryside.

Photo: Chumatskiy Shlyah Official Facebook page
Here you can relax in small decorated rooms inside, cozy alcoves outside or organize a huge celebration in a luxurious Hetman Hall. Everything is made for your enjoyment: tasty Ukrainian cuisine, children entertainment, small country zoo, hourseback riding and pottery. Together with delightful nature and big territory all these will garantee you spending a good day outside the city.

Photo: Chumatskiy Shlyah Official Facebook page
The famous dumplings, proper Ukrainian borshch, fresh carp from the restaurant’s pool prepared according to a secret recipe and special soup from the oven served in home-made bread along with excellent service and only fresh farm products made Chumatskiy Shlyakh a cult place in Kiev.
Chumatskiy Shlyakh country restaurant in Kiev is a distinguishable place, where you will enjoy your time, no matter what season it is. Take a small ride outside the city and experience Ukrainian-style leisure!

Address: 10 Sosnova str., Romankov (Obukhiv district, Kiev region)
Contact: +38 045 724 46 01



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