5 Best Recipes of Hot Mulled Wine

5 Best Recipes of Hot Mulled Wine

In somber days of late autumn and winter, we feel the need to enjoy warmth and coziness as much as possible, and having a glass of tasty hot mulled wine is surely one of the best options for that. This delicious drink is easy to prepare – you may find all required ingredients in any market. Check out our 5 best recipes of hot mulled wine, that will save you from cold in a chilly evening.

Classic Hot Mulled Wine
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A cup of classic hot mulled wine is always a good decision. To prepare it, you will need a bottle of dry red wine, small amount of honey (2-3 tablespoons), 1 lemon, 1 orange and 1 apple, grated ginger, a quarter teaspoon of nutmeg, two cinnamon sticks and cloves. Mix cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger in a pot. Add 100 ml of water, boil it and then take it away from hotplate. Filter the decoction and leave it to chill for 10 minutes. Slice orange, apple and lemon in wedges. Add fruit pieces and wine into the pot with spices and warm it up to 60-80 C. Your classic mulled wine is ready!
Read: Best Drinks to Keep You Warm This Winter
White Hot Mulled Wine
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This option is for those who prefer new approaches to old recipes. Take the following ingredients: a bottle of dry white wine, 4 tablespoons of brown sugar, half glass of orange juice, 1 tablespoon of orange peel, cloves in amount by your taste, one half teaspoon of coriander and some cardamom. Mix orange peel with juice in a pot. Then add sugar and spices, put the pot on small fire and stir the mixture until sugar dissolves. After that, add wine and warm up to 70-80 C. Enjoy your unusual mulled white wine!
Read: Where to Taste Hot Mulled Wine in Kyiv
Hot Mulled Wine with Cognac
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Wish your hot mulled wine had a bit more relaxing effect? Make it with cognac. That is what you need for one portion of this delicious drink: 150 ml of red semi-sweet wine, 50 ml of cognac, 50 g of honey, half lemon, sugar, cinnamon and cloves by taste. Pour wine into a pot and dissolve sugar in it. Warm wine up to 60-80 C, then take it away from fire, add spices and lemon cut in wedges. Add cognac and let your drink stew for 10-15 min. After that, just relax and taste your strong mulled wine with cognac.
Hot Mulled Wine Kyiv Style
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Kyiv dwellers have added some special authenticity to hot mulled wine recipe. To prepare one portion of hot mulled wine Kyiv style, you will need to take 150 ml of sweet red wine, 50 ml of cherry liquor, half lemon, cinnamon and cloves by taste. Mix wine with liquor in a pot and warm up to 70-80 C. Then add spices, lemon sliced in wedges, and leave drink to stew for 10-15 min. Time to sip a glass of hot mulled wine Kyiv style.
Non-Alcoholic Hot Mulled Wine
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If you do not like alcohol or have to refuse it for some reason, you may try non-alcoholic version of hot mulled wine made of grape or apple juice. Pour three glasses of juice into a pot, add 250 ml of water and traditional spices: cinnamon, cloves, ginger and cardamom by taste. Then add few wedges of orange and apple, lemon peel and some raisins. Put the mixture on slow fire, warm it up to 70-80 C and then let it stew for 5-10 minutes. You may decorate glasses with fresh fruits and berries.
Use 5 best recipes of hot mulled wine, delighting yourself, your friends and family with excellent taste, and warmth of this drink.
Photo source: shutterstock.com. All photos belong to their rightful owner.


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