The new coffee shop is cozily tucked away on Kropyvnyts'koho Street, minutes away from Besarabsky Market, commonly known as Besarabka. The location offers coziness and peace in the otherwise chaotic Kyiv atmosphere.
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16.Coffee has a simple menu: classic coffee divided into the black (espresso, doppio, filter coffee and hand-brew), and white (cappuccino, double cappuccino, flat white and latte). Sure enough, that’s not everything the spot has up its sleeve: coffee lovers have a chance to choose the roast starting from the local Ukrainian brand Café Boutique to the specialties of the German brand Bonanza.
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Vegetarians and vegans, rejoice — 16.Coffee offers a snack menu suitable for everyone: vegan candies, croissants, cookies, and sandwiches. Besides, a delicious Portuguese pastry Pastel de nata (Custard Tarts) is often quickly sold out here.
Address: 16, Kropyvnyts'koho Street
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Photo source: All images belong to their rightful authors.
16.Coffee Place at Besarabka in Kyiv

Coffee shops truly pop up in Kyiv like flowers this spring. First Blur Coffee on the Klovska metro station, then Coffee Shot 61 on Lukianivska, and finally the new spot on Besarabka in the heart of the city. 16.Coffee Place is located in a cozy corner away from the general hubbub, offering various types of roast, cold brew and delicious desserts.