What IF Fest in Kiev: it was great

What IF Fest in Kiev: it was great

In April 2016 What If Fest was organized in Kiev for the first time. If you've missed this event, we propose you to read and watch video report about it.

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Innovative approach
The modern Ukrainian conceptual art for the first time was widely publicized during the festival. Previously, we could see contemporary works at various exhibitions and festivals, but as conceptual art at festival there was a concentration of high-quality Ukrainian works in one place.

It is interesting that all guests could download an app on smartphones and use it to enjoy the pictures that come to life right in the gadgets, as well as to get acquainted with the authors.
The festival was held in the loft locations where high art was combined with the underground atmosphere, which was interesting enough.
All visitors had the opportunity to observe the master classes and stand-up performances, which were carried out by celebrity guests.
Especially memorable was the performance of Vladlena Sopko, who shared her experience about creative approach which helped to find self-confidence.
Frontman of "Abzats” (Passage) program, Ricky (Kostya Mikhno) held the master class during which he taught how the art of touch can help in relationships with your lover.

Borisenko Brothers took the stage in a new role and presented stand-up that sparked the public, as well as a painting with the help of the audience.
In addition to the stellar performances, the audience enjoyed Art Fashion performances by Mary Kobilinskaya and Lyudmila Tchirkova and stand-up performances by Dmitry Smaghi, who has created a positive atmosphere in the hall.
Performance by Anastasia Daugule (TV leader of "Morning with Inter") shared her experience about the role of art in the life of media persons. Anastasia, together with the master, has created a true masterpiece, which was presented at the end of the performance.
Those who love to read books were pleased by a presentation of new books from "Summit Book" publishing house. Guests of the festival were able to talk to the author of "The bitter smell of lonely men" Masha M., who officially presented the first copy of her book to Anastasia Daugule.
Elga Mira presented a wonderful cake made in the form of a cover of her new book "Ulitka” (The Snail).

What IF Fest was interesting for the people of Kiev, which means that the story is going to be continued. The festival will be back soon in the capital of Ukraine with more rich and exiting program.


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