New Exhibition at Mystetskyi Arsenal in Kiev

New Exhibition at Mystetskyi Arsenal in Kiev

The new exhibition at Mystetskyi Arsenal in Kiev will open to the public on March 23, 2016 as a tribute to the cult ‘Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors’ movie.

‘Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors. Exhibition’ is an ambitious project dedicated to the 1965 film by the Soviet director Sergei Parajanov. The film is based on the classic book by Ukrainian writer Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky. It was Parajanov's first major work and earned him international acclaim for its rich use of costume and color. The film also features a detailed portrayal of Ukrainian Hutsul culture, showing not only the harsh Carpathian environment and brutal family rivalries, but also the various aspects of Hutsul traditions, music, costumes, and dialect.
Beginning in the capital, the exhibition will migrate to three other big Ukrainian cities. The ‘Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors’ exhibition will include 100 artifacts, 20 exclusive interviews, photo and video achieves of the film shooting. In addition, a showcase of Ukrainian contemporary art will take place within the project along with a meeting with participants of the legendary shooting.

The new exhibition at Mystetskyi Arsenal will be held until April 10, 2016. Later on, ‘Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors. Exhibition’ project will move to Lviv, Odessa and Dnipropetrovsk. Do not miss the chance to get acquainted with the classic of Ukrainian cinematography!


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