Microsoft about Ukrainian ladies in IT

Microsoft about Ukrainian ladies in IT

Kreston GCG consulting company has analyzed the global market of  IT-outsourcing. According to the results announced in December 2015 Ukraine has taken the 51th place in IT sector competitiveness. Less than 15% of Ukrainian ladies work in IT field, but irrespective of such a number women often create innovative technical products.

"Girls in ICT Day" was celebrated in Kiev on April 19th. A number of interesting discussions that took place in the framework of “Girls in ICT Day” were moderated by Microsoft Ukraine. The main topic related to the opportunities for women in IT area.

Despite the fact that the proportion of women in the technological industry in the world is growing, the figure is still low. According to study only 14.3% of women work for IT companies (data of 2015) in Ukraine.
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But irrespective of the fact that the percentage of women involved in IT industry is small, women often succeed. Teams that consist of the representatives of different genders are more creative and productive. Technical products created by women often become innovative.
The members of IoT Lab project ( "Laboratory of the Internet of Things") of "Microsoft Ukraine" proved that fact. The participants of the event talked about their inventions. The following ones are among them: EcoBox, mini-ecosystem that will help you to grow your own herbs and exotic plants, Open World Project which aim is to make the city visible for blind people using a Bluetooth-beacons and a special mobile application as well as Puppy Care integrated intelligent system.
The main idea of this event was to underline that IT is a sector in which gender does not matter but the brain and innovative approach are in priority.
According to the number of women in Ukrainian IT sector has increased from 6.8% in 2011 to 14.3% in 2015. This means that such an increase is a stable trend.


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