Indonesia Week in Ukraine: Arts and Culture Festival

Indonesia Week in Ukraine: Arts and Culture Festival

Kyiv, 5th September 2017 – Annual event “Indonesia Week” is launched to celebrate the 72nd Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia and 25 years of Indonesia-Ukraine Diplomatic Relations. It offers eight days of cultural attraction 9 to 17 September 2017 from 11.00 a.m. to 19.00 p.m.

The festival will be hosted at art gallery Triptych Global Arts Workshop (34 Andriyivskyy Uzviz, Kyiv, UKRAINE), where an exhibition of traditional Indonesian material culture titled ‘Indonesian Treasures’ will be presented. The exhibition will be open to the public between Saturday 9th September and Wednesday 20th September 2017 (daily 11.00 – 19.00, free of charge.)
A rich cultural programme accompanies the exhibition. Traditional dance and music groups from Indonesia will represent their culture. The festival includes Book Presentation “25 Years of Diplomatic Relations between Indonesia and Ukraine” by Anton GA, Former Dharmasiswa, Angklung traditional music performance and Indonesian dance “Jaipong” by Puput Ratri Widayani dan Ayesha. Emira will present an Indonesian Batik Masterclass, its national attire. Batik has been inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO on the 2nd of October 2009.
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About Indonesia Week
Indonesia Week has been going on for 3 years. It is used to introduce Indonesian culture in Ukraine. This year the event will be used as an evidence of the growing ties between Indonesia and Ukraine. According to the Ambassador of the Republic Indonesia to Ukraine, Yuddy Chrisnandi, Indonesia Week play an important role in supporting common efforts to bring peoples of Ukrainian closer together with Indonesian.
About Indonesia
Indonesia is an active regional as well as multilateral player, constantly contributing towards global peace and stability, through organizations such as ASEAN, APEC, ASEM, the Non-Aligned Movement and the United Nations. At the same time, there is enormous interest in strengthening Indonesia network of bilateral relations with Ukraine.
As the fourth most populous nation and the third largest democracy in the world, where Islam and democracy flourish hand in hand, Indonesia is constantly promoting the increase of tolerance, pluralism, peace and democracy development. The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia also mandates the country to continuously contribute to the preservation of regional and global peace and security.
Today, there are growing sense of trust and comfort in Indonesia - Ukraine 25 years of bilateral diplomatic relations. Within the socio-cultural field, through the Darmasiswa Program the Government of Indonesia has offered 116 scholarships for Ukrainian students to study in Indonesia. Furthermore, since its opening in 2012, 11 (eleven) students have successfully graduated from the Bahasa Indonesia Language Undergraduate Program at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
In the field of people-to-people contacts, Indonesia is keen to welcome more and more Ukrainians, not just residents from Ukraine’s major cities, but also Ukrainians who live in the regions, for example people from the city of Kremenchuk whom we have developed close ties for almost 20 years. To support this, Ukraine has been included in recent changes to Indonesia immigration policy. Since May 2016, Ukrainian tourists can enter Indonesia visa-free.***
Address: 34 Andriyivskyy Descent, Kyiv, Triptych: Global Arts Workshop  | 
Opening Times
Daily 11am – 7pm
Free admission


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