April 2017 Business Networking Events with Fryday W

April 2017 Business Networking Events with Fryday W

This April “Fryday” relaunches its Fryday W executive networking event series, focused on professional business connections.

Each event features a Guest of Honour who will make a short TED-style speech and will be happy to take questions from the audience.
April 2017 events’ schedule and details:
April 12

Guest speaker: Martin Nunn, Marketing Director at the Ukraine Business Journal & CEO at Whites Communication
Topic: Is Ukrainian Media Killing Investment
Brief synopsis: Despite many changes and reforms since the ousting of Yanukovych, foreign investment in Ukraine remains at dismal levels. At Fryday W Martin Nunn, a 24 year veteran of the Ukrainian media, presents a concise and punchy review of the role the media in attracting investment and what needs to be done to reflect the reality of this fast improving business climate.
When: Wednesday April 12, 18.30 - 22.00
Where: Restaurant Lipsky, 15, Lipska Street, Kyiv
Entrance fee: 300 UAH
April 26

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Guest speaker: Martin Hagström, Sweden’s Ambassador to Ukraine
Topic: Sweden-Ukraine: Growing Together
Brief synopsis: As a Swedish organisation Fryday has always enjoyed an excellent relationship with the Swedish Embassy, holding events with previous Ambassadors in 2012 and 2014. Now with the arrival of a new Swedish Ambassador in Kyiv, H.E. Martin Hagström, Fryday W will once again join forces with the diplomatic mission. During the event Ambassador Hagström will discuss the embassy’s main activities, the current business climate for Swedish businesses in Ukraine and development of bilateral trade, and why promotion of export from Ukraine is so important.
When: Wednesday April 26, 18.30 - 22.00
Where: Hyatt Regency Kiev, 5, Alla Tarasova Street, Kyiv
Entrance fee: 300 UAH
Photos: Shutterstock.com, Fryday


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