“Taking the Stage” Theatre Program in Kyiv

“Taking the Stage” Theatre Program in Kyiv

British Council in Ukraine is happy to announce performances of 12 finalists of the third “Taking the Stage” theatre program. The finalists will present sketches of their stage plays to Ukrainian-British jury and wide audience in the course of a mini-festival, which will take place on October 6-7, 2017. 

“Taking the Stage” is an annually held program, which provides young Ukrainian theatre producers with an opportunity to create unique and socially important stage plays supported by theatre professionals from the United Kingdom. This year, competitors had to present a concept of stage play based on a British book in order to apply for participation in the program. Each play must cover the “Limits and borders” topic. The jury has chosen 12 finalists from 42 applications of 32 theatres from different Ukrainian cities. Based on the results of finalists` performances, the jury will choose three winners, who will receive UAH 30 000 grants and promo-support for future performances, mentoring support from Ukrainian and British theatre producers, and licenses for  performing chosen literary writings.
“Taking the Stage” program is supported by “Theatre platform” – a non-governmental organization, established in 2013. “Theatre platform” main purpose is to change context of Ukrainian theatre in ХХІ century and to introduce new ideas and methods into modern theatre art.
British Council is an international organization of the United Kingdom, working in the field of intercultural relationship and education. British Council creates great opportunities for establishing international relations between Great Britain and other countries, building trust between people all over the world. It is a global organization with representative offices in 110 countries and over than 7000 employees. British Council activities embrace art, studying English language, education and general development of the society. The team of British Council cooperates with the best talents of Great Britain and organizes high-quality events in Ukraine. British Council works with local artists and art organizations, establishing connections between art professionals of both countries.
When: October 6-7, 2017
Where: 1, Vasylkivska street, Dovzhenko Center, Kyiv
Photo source: British Council webpage. All photos belong to their rightful owners.


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