Show Promise Art Project by Zenko Foundation in Lviv

Show Promise Art Project by Zenko Foundation in Lviv

Lviv Art Palace is hosting the biggest and most anticipated art project of the year, Show Promise exhibition of the contemporary Ukrainian art by Zenko Foundation. The exhibition’s curators, Ihor Abramovych and Oleksandr Solovyov, will present the works of many Ukrainian most cutting-edge artists. Among the many talents featured in the exhibition are works of such popular artists as Nazar Bilyk, Oleh Voronko, Anatoliy Gankevich, Yulia Kysil, and Alina Kleitman.

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Zenko Foundation exhibitions are not just another way to demonstrate the foundation’s ample collection”, says founder Zenko Aftanaziv. “One of the goals of any art foundation is to become a uniting force, gathering the entire art community around it.”

Today we observe collapse of any preinstalled orders. Degree of turbulence is constantly increasing as disasters keep happening, territories keep being annexed, countries are being destroyed, the wars start and terror goes on, politics go through a conservative right turn… Many troubling processes that a person cannot explain happen because the world is being submerged into a state of “liquid modernity”. The world becomes liquid. Liquids can gain any form but lack the capability to keep it. So is modern world – it is constantly and unpredictably changing, and therefore can be hardly understood or controlled.
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The pressure of reality on a “melting” mind is colossal. Goals are being blurred as well as the values and norms, they change quickly and kaleidoscopically and for that reason can no longer serve as a basis for people’s rational behavior – the irrationality reigns.

In time of total show that erases borders between reality and fiction, and replaces meanings of fundamental categories of life, among all the disturbances, the only constant thing is a human’s striving for better future. An instability, collapse of settled schemes and relationships that knock the ground under the feet along with the confidence in tomorrow – they open more space for the immaterial – faith or nihilism, doubts, fears, hopes. In search for clues and support in this shaky and changeable space it is art, that in order to keep its visual influence, appears to be one of the most reliable and sometimes one of the most ideally accurate instrument not only for the fast reflection but it also becomes an explorer of the future. Without laying the straight, populist and “comfortable” way, it is still capable to mark the path with a dotted line and define the reference points.

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Read: June 2017 Art Exhibitions in Kyiv
The exhibition aims to erase the borders between reality and fiction, and to show that despite all the disturbances, the only constant thing is that human nature strives for a better future.
Address: 17 Kopernyka St., Lviv Art Palace. Till July 16th, 2017.
Photo source: Zenko Foundation web page.


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