Pop-Art and Graffiti Exhibition in Kyiv

Pop-Art and Graffiti Exhibition in Kyiv

Photo: U.A.F. Facebook PageOn November 1, 2016 Unlimited Art Foundation hosted the preview of the new ambitious pop-art and graffiti exhibition by Serhiy Yakymenko.

The exhibition offers a number of spectacular 2 - and 3-square meter paintings, bright collages and pictures which are episodes of the future comics-saga. The exhibition preview will only last a couple of days and highlights the opening of the new 2017 exhibition season at Unlimited Art Foundation.
Read: Street Art on Kyiv Subway Trains

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Photo: Pinchuk Art Center
All the art pieces at the pre-view exhibition are a bright samples of contemporary pop-art and graffiti. Serhiy Yakymenko considers the preview format to be very important when it comes to vast and bid art pieces. The preview serves as an apéritif before the fine dinner, if served right, it will compliment all the best parts of the future meal and will fire the appetite, says the artist. All the visitors will dive into whimsical and phantasmagorical world of pop-art and comics.


Photo: Pinchuk Art Center
Read: From Fotography to Isography: Art Project in Kyiv
Pop-Art and Graffiti Exhibition in Kyiv is supposed to be the part of the bigger art project aiming at showcasing the variety and diversity of contemporary Ukrainian art scene.
Address: 7, Lavrskyy alley, Kyiv, Unlimited Art Foundation (U.A.F.)


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