Main Art Events of August 2017

Main Art Events of August 2017

August in Kyiv might seem to be a bit slow in art events, festivals and concerts after amazingly rich for events June, and July, but still has quite a number of exciting events to offer. «Destinations» narrows down some of the most interesting August art events in Kyiv to attend.

The Curious World of Hieronymus
After 500 years Bosch’s paintings still shock and fascinate us. Delve into the vivid imagination of this true visionary. Who was Hieronymus Bosch? Why do his strange and fantastical paintings resonate with people now more than ever? How does he bridge the medieval and Renaissance worlds? Where did his unconventional and timeless creations come from? Discover the answers to these questions and more with this remarkable new film from EXHIBITION ON SCREEN directed by David Bickerstaff.
In original language with Ukrainian subtitles.
When: August 6th, 2017 
Where: 19, Velyka Vasylkivska street, Kyiv. «Kyiv» movie theater

Read: Best August 2017 Concerts in Kyiv

Ukrainian Ethno: Jazz on the Roof
This will be the evening dedicated to the Ukrainian ethno-jazz. Guests will have an opportunity to enjoy authentic Ukrainian folk songs, told in the language of jazz improvisations.
Born on different continents and in different epochs, Ukrainian folk music and jazz music, these two musical traditions will speak the same language and on the never old topics such as sorrows and joys, oppression and freedom, victories and losses. 
When: August 20th- 24th, 8 PM
Where: Beletage Concert Club


Research platform: Fedir Tetyanych. Canon Fripulia
The exhibition “Fedir Tetyanych. Canon Fripulia” is focused on one of the sides of the multifaceted creative work of artist Fedir Tetyanych whose artistic practice encompassed painting, drawing, sculpture, text, performance etc. 
In contrast to the “trash aesthetics”, the exhibition “Fedir Tetyanych. Canon Fripulia” makes an attempt to conceptualise the artist’s practice by reflecting on his texts and presenting them as a self-sufficient medium and an integral part of his artistic oeuvre. Another element of Fedir Tetyanych’s universe - which is no less important – is the Biotechnosphere: an all-purpose module to accommodate and mobilize a human. Its genesis should be sought for in utopian visions of Leonardo da Vinci, Nikolay Fedorov or Vladimir Tatlin: what differs Tetyanych from his predecessors is mostly introduction of number attributes to his philosophic system that are typical for the era of cybernetics and achievements in space.
When: 17 June 2017 - 8 October 2017
Where: Pinchuk Art Center

ILS 0177

Versus in the context of РАС-UA Re-Consideration

PAC-UA Re-consideration presents the 5th project - a group exhibition including young artists Yulia Golub, Zina Isupova, Alina Kleytman, Aleksandr Kutovoy, Anna Rotayenko, Dmitry Starusyev. “Versus” is a result of a long-term cooperation of the invited curator Sergey Bratkov with the new generation of artists, students of The Rodchenko Art School (Moscow).
Versus is an inner debate that becomes the theme of reflection for the exhibition participants. Playing with the notion of dualism, they investigate the ambivalence of the artist as a personality and creator, the situation in between, an internal dispute, the border between the ethical and aesthetic. The exhibition displays the diversity of individual artistic practices, combining a collective view on the process of building a dialogue between the presented works.
When: 17 June 2017 - 17 September 2017
Where: Pinchuk Art Center

ILS 1023


Within "SUMMER SHOW: PART II" Voloshyn Gallery will present the curator project ''The Borders of Materiality. The Materialization of Sense’’ which suggests the participation of 11 authors: Victor Ariefiev, Yuriy Sivirin, Vitaliy Makoviy, C. Rabinovich, Ignat Solomko, Kinder Album, Pivnyky Time, Sergiy Ignatenko, Ivan Denysenko,  Andriy Sydorenko,  Fedir Alexandrovich.
In this project the curtor Oleksiy Timofeev discourses of the border of sense and if a piece of art can exist beyond the material outer shell: “The process of transferring senses in space establishes the limits to form, which encloses it inside, in such a way specifying spatial parameters  for each  single sense. The borders of the sense of the material world are outlined by means of a container, whereas in the ideal world they outstretch far away from the limits of the physical shell. The creation itself – is a container and environment of a sense and provides intertwinement of the material and the ideal, because from one side it owns specific qualities and from the other side it leaves for the immensity of the transcendental, attracting a spectator to follow”.
The exhibition ''The Borders of Materiality. The Materialization of Sense’’ really offers food for thought provided by different media: videos, objects, installations, sculptures, fine art.
When: 9 August 2017 - 30 August 2017
Where: 13 Tereshchenkivska Str. Kyiv. Voloshyn Gallery. 

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Read: An Outward Glance. Christopher Makos on Andy Warhol’s Epoch

Image sourceL, Pinchuk Art Center, Bel Etage Facebook page, Voloshyn Gallery web page. All images belong to their rightful owners. 


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