Maidan, More Than Life and Death Photo Exhibition in Kyiv

Maidan, More Than Life and Death Photo Exhibition in Kyiv

National History Museum in Kyiv invites to attend «Maidan, More Than Life and Death» photo exhibition by British photographer Joe M O’Brien, who worked in Kyiv during Euromaidan civil unrest in 2014.

Joe M O’Brien has been interested in riots and public protests as the objects for his photography for a couple of years already. Before visiting Ukraine during gruesome winter of 2013-2014, Joe O’Brien has masterfully captured on film demonstrations in Span and England. The photographer arrived to Kyiv at the beginning of February 2014 and photographed the real life of people on barricades.
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All photographs showcased at the exposition reveal the most dramatic moments of Maidan at its tragic culmination period in February 2014. Visitors can explore Maidan from quite different perspective, how it was seen by a foreigner, completely unbiased person who happened to observe the most tragic and violence events in Ukrainian history of recent times.

The Exhibition showcases 40 photographs picturing Maidan events. Three of these works won the audience award at London Photo Festival in 2016.

Read: Winter Art Exhibitions in Kyiv
Maidan, More Than Life and Death Photo Exhibition will be opened on January 22nd, 2017 in National History Museum (2, Volodymyrska street, Kyiv) and will last till February 22nd, 2017.
Photo: Joe M O’Brien


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