«Eclipse in the Garden» Exhibition of Paintings

«Eclipse in the Garden» Exhibition of Paintings

Photo KZ ART ROOMHer works are in private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Germany, France, England and Poland. In her works Cristina Kirilina uses different techniques: oil painting, fresco, mosaic, sculpture reliefs, sgraffito.

In recent years Cristina was inspired by transparency and openness of the glass color, its reflections and glare. All this turns into a real game of images and colors.
The exhibition features 20 canvases of the artist, written in two years. For Cristina this time, as for many of us, was full of events that have left their trace in life.
Eclipse is the phenomenon that we can’t control. It just happens regardless of our desires It is a mysterious dance of the planets. This short period of time eclipse absorbs everything in its shadow. Human being adapts to everything, learning to see differently. This temporary shadow of eclipse glides over our beautiful garden when suddenly everything freezes. It is a short, beautiful and a little scary moment. But every eclipse passes by. No one will remain in the shadow - we will see the sun again.
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Address: Str. Honchara, 22, Kyiv
Time: 09.00 -20.00 (weekdays), 10.00-21:00 (weekends),
Date: 22 September - 4 October, 2016
Entrance: FREE


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