Top 3 Museums in Odessa

Top 3 Museums in Odessa

Kiev is not the only place to explore culture and arts in Ukraine. With plenty of big and small museums dedicated to arts, interesting specialties and themes Odessa claims itself to be a curious destination in Ukraine for arts, culture and entertainment. Take a look at the top 3 museums in Odessa!

Odessa Museum of Western and Eastern Art

Photo: Odessa Museum of Western and Eastern Art
The Odessa Museum of Western and Eastern Art possesses one of the finest collections of foreign art in Ukraine, which makes it one of the top 3 museums in Odessa. The museum is hosted by a beautiful building that incorporates the elements of Baroque, Empire and Rococo styles. The collection does not claim to provide an exhaustive representation of all the major periods of art history, but it contains a number of brilliant works by outstanding artists. Here you will see the masterpieces from renowned Italians (Michelangelo da Caravaggio, Alessandro Magnasco, Francesco Gvardi, Bernardo Bellotto), the expositions of Flemish and Dutch painting and many other magnificent artworks from famous artists known worldwide.

Read: The Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko Arts Museum in Kiev

Odessa Fine Arts Museum

Photo: Odessa Fine Arts Museum Official Facebook page
The Odessa Fine Arts Museum is one of the top museums for Russian art not only in Odessa, but also in Ukraine. It is located in the beautiful building of Pototsky's Old Palace. Here you can get acquainted with a magnificent collection of the most interesting examples of painting, drawing and sculpture from the Golden Age of Russian art, represented with the works of great Ayvazovsky, Costandi, Kuindgy, Vereschagin and others. You can also admire the precise and fine technique of old Russian icons and get acquainted with the works of great Russian portraitists.

Shustov Cognac Museum

Photo: Shustov Cognac Museum Official Facebook page
The unique museum with the world's largest Shustov Cognac Factory is located near the historic center of Odessa. It is dedicated to the legendary Shustov dynasty, history of Odessa and a 150-years cognac tradition in Ukraine. The museum’s exposition is situated in the basement of the Odessa Cognac Factory, where the best cognac in Ukraine and Eastern Europe is kept in large oak barrels. The exposition also features the tools and equipment for brewery, cooperage, blending and many other subtle and complex processes of cognac production. The Shustov Cognac Museum has become one of the top places for cultural events in Odessa: art exhibitions, biennales, music evenings and food festivals are held here.

Read:A couple of days in Odessa

The top 3 museums in Odessa are surely worth visiting. However, don’t hesitate to visit the others, you will enjoy them for sure!


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