Kiev Fashion Days F/W 18-19

Kiev Fashion Days F/W 18-19

International fashion marathon Fall-Winter 18-19 starts with the launch of innovative Blockchain Fashion Week. This is the first ever fashion project created with the help of blockchain technology. Kiev Fashion Days will be the pioneer fashion week in a series of international Blockchain Fashion Weeks and will open the F/W 18-19 fashion season. The event will traditionally take place in Kyiv from January 31st to February 4th, 2018.

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Snezhana Onopka, international top model born in Ukraine, became the face of Kiev Fashion Days F/W’18-19 campaign and Blockchain Fashion Week ambassador worldwide.
There’s no denying it, the fashion and retail world will become one with technology, the line between these two industries is blurring and is reflected in trends such as chatbots, change in the Brick and Mortar structures, virtual realities, artificial intelligence, robots, 3D printing, Internet of Things and blockchain.
Read: BEVZA Collection at New York Fashion Week

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One of the most cutting-edge development is the incorporation of blockchain technology. The blockchain is a global online database that anyone with an internet connection can use, but it doesn’t belong to anyone. Blockchain is based on a simple idea, but built upon a complex technological framework. Its goal is to establish trust, accountability and transparency while streamlining business processes. Blockchain relates to fashion in different ways.
Kiev Fashion Days will traditionally gather over 30 international guests who are well known fashion experts, professionals and influencers:, Vogue Italia, Vogue UK, Elle UK, L’Officiel Italia, Wonderzine, Huffington Post, Financial Times, The Guardian, Forbes, buyers from Lane Crawford, Saks Fifth Avenue, Joyce, Boon The Shop and many others. This time the event will be also visited by key figures of IT world and blockchain experts and thought influencers.
Read: Trendy Quilted Coats from Ukrainian Brands


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