Best Hot Cocoa Drink Recipes

Best Hot Cocoa Drink Recipes

When talking about hot drinks, we usually mention tea, coffee and hot mulled wine, forgetting about one more delicious drink – hot cocoa. Nevertheless, this sweet smelling chocolate drink from childhood is also totally worth our attention. Let`s check up the best hot cocoa recipes for chilly winter evenings.

Classic Cocoa
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To prepare cocoa drink by classic recipe, you will need 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder, ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 liter of milk, 10 g of vanillin and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Mix cocoa powder, sugar, vanillin and cinnamon in a bowl. Add few tablespoons of warm milk and mix to a homogeneous condition. Pour this mixture into warmed milk and then simmer it. Bring to the boil and leave on flame for 5 minutes, stirring the mixture all the time. Then take your cocoa drink off the flame and leave covered for some time.
Read: 5 Best Recipes of Hot Mulled Wine
Hot Cocoa with Peppery Lollipops
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If you want to try this unusual recipe, take ½ glass of milk, ¼ glass of heavy cream, 6 crushed lollipops with pepper mint taste and 150 g of milk chocolate. Mix milk, cream and lollipops in a small stewpot and put it over medium heat. Warm it up and stir during 5 minutes, until lollipops dissolve. Then add pieces of milk chocolate in the mixture and wait for two more minutes until chocolate melts. Your delicious drink is ready!
Read: Spots with the Best Chocolate in Kyiv
Barcelona Hot Cocoa 
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To make this hot Spanish drink, you will need 2/3 glass of boiling water, 60 g of bitter chocolate, 1,3 glass of milk, 1 glass of strong coffee (espresso), ¼ glass of cocoa powder, ¼ glass of brown sugar and orange peel. Mix water and chocolate in a stewpot and heat it up until chocolate melts. Then add milk and all the other ingredients. Leave stewpot over medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring the mixture. Your hot cocoa is ready, just pour it into cups and serve with whipped cream.
Hot Cocoa for Grown-Ups (with Brandy and Liquor)
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In order to prepare this tasty relaxing drink, take 200 ml of milk, 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder, 50 g of milk chocolate, 30 ml of Baileys liquor, 10 ml of brandy and whipped cream to taste. Boil the milk, add cocoa powder and leave it over medium heat for 1-2 minutes. Take it off the fire, add milk chocolate (if you use bitter chocolate, add also 1 teaspoon of sugar) and let it melt. Then put stewpot over low heat, and whip mixture with a whisk to a homogeneous condition. Take off the fire, pour into cups, add liquor, brandy and whipped cream.
Cocoa with Honey and Cinnamon
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You will need the following ingredients: 1 glass of milk, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder, 1 tablespoon of honey. Pour milk into a stewpot and heat it up over low heat. You do not need to boil it. When milk becomes warm, add cocoa and stir until it dissolves. Then add cinnamon and stir again. Take off the fire, leave for a few minutes and then add honey and stir everything to a homogeneous condition. Pour your tasty hot cocoa with honey into a cup and serve with delicious cookies or chocolate. Enjoy warmth and sweetness of hot cocoa drinks made using the best recipes.
Photo source: All photos belong to their rightful owners.


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