Keiko Matsui Concerts in Ukraine

Keiko Matsui

Keiko Matsui, Japanese keyboardist and composer, specializing in smooth jazz and New-age music will give concerts in the main cities of Ukraine this March.

Translated from Japanese, the name Keiko means “happy, festive child”. The talented pianist with her music creates a feast for all her fans, following the meaning of her name. This spring Keiko Matsui presents the concerts in Kyiv, Odesa and Lviv.
When Keiko’s mother, a teacher of traditional Japanese dance, brought her five-year-old daughter to the piano class, it was the love at first sight. Keiko was delighted with the first lesson.
At age 17, she received an offer from the Yamaha System recording studio. This year, Keiko created her first serious composition for the film, and then she organized her own jazz group “Cosmos” and recorded four albums with it. In 1999, at the Oasis Awards ceremony, Keiko received the title of Best Jazz Artist of the Year.

Since then, Keiko has recorded albums and has always performed in various countries around the world. Her unique masterpieces are known and popular in many different countries. She is an experimenter, working with different styles and sounds, creating new mixes. Don’t miss a chance to enjoy the music event of Keiko Matsui in Kyiv on the 7th of March, in Odesa Philharmonic Hall on the 8th of March and in Lviv on the 11th of March. Tickets price starts from UAH 350. 

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