Burning Man Ukraine is Going to Have Its Cultural Space in Kyiv

people and sunset

Burning Man Ukraine community or simply Ukrainian Burners are going to create “Kurenivka Palace of Culture” Art Space at Podil in Kyiv.

“It is going to be the residence of the Ukrainian Berners, the public space for collaboration and the implementation of any creative projects, - said Yaroslav Korets on the Facebook page of the community, the leader of the Burners in Ukraine.
There will be necessary equipment and tools with which anyone can create an art project of any scale. This place will be free from prejudice and censorship, it will be impossible to ban or cancel the exhibition.”
The cultural space area will be of 1,200 square meters. It plans to create workshops for mastering, robotics, pottery, a place to work on art objects that will be exhibited at Burning Man festival, a music studio, a theater / concert / party area.

“Here anyone can arrange a concert or a party, a theatrical performance, the premiere of a movie or the presentation of a book, as well as a training session or seminar. This place will be filled with meaning and content by its participants: musicians, artists, programmers, sculptors and other creative people, experienced ones and the beginners.
We create an atmosphere in which completely different people help each other to embody creative ideas,” – said Yaroslav Korets.
“Kurenivka Palace of Culture” Art Space is located at Konstantynivska 73.
Photos: Burning Man Ukraine Facebook Page. All rights belong to the rightful owners. 

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