Main Food & Drinks Trends in 2019

Bowl of exotic and healthy food

Research companies and hospitality enterprises like Baum+Whiteman, Benchmark and Mintel released their reports on the new food and beverages trends that will be popular in 2019. Some of the trends can easily be followed in Ukraine.

Caucasus on the rise

PilafWhile in Ukraine Georgian food has been a strong definitive trend in latest years, Baum+Whiteman predict that culinary trends from the former Soviet republics like Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan will be the new trendsetters in 2019.

Given the relative closeness to Ukraine, it could be easier than ever to try the trending Asian food. Apart from the famous kebabs and plov, commonly known as pilaf, the region's cuisine is full of greens like spinach, cilantro, dill and might interest those who enjoy eggplants, liver, beans and stews.

Sour is the new sweet

Korean KimchiAnother trend that Baum+Whiteman think will be on the rise in 2019 is sour food. The sour is going to replace the bitter that manifested in the last decade through various forms from dark chocolate and coffee to Brussel sprouts. The trend for sour food comes from Pan-Asian cuisine, namely Korean and Filipino.

Korea's most famous product, kimchi, made its way into many restaurants not only as a side dish but also as an ingredient of main dishes, like soups and pots roasts. Filipino cuisine brings in the vinegar and marinades, for instance in the signature country dish Adobo, vinegar-based chicken.

Fermented foods & drinks

Kombucha teaKorean kimchi is, in fact, a part of another strong trend - fermented foods. According to Baum+Whiteman and Benchmark, fermented foods and beverages will manifest further in this year's culinary culture. The famous kombucha tea will make a transition from the hipster to mainstream food.

Moreover, foods like Sauerkraut, pickles and kefir that are incredibly popular in Ukraine will be on the rise as well. The trend urges consumers to buy the least-processed food and get more probiotics necessary for the immune system.

Healthy food for healthy aging

Fried salmon dishAccording to Mintel, food and drink manufacturers can finally reject the term 'anti-aging', focusing on longevity instead. As more and more consumers are actively interested in a healthy lifestyle, we can expect more supplements like L-theanine, B-vitamins, choline and omega-3s in various products.

Besides, in 2019 more products will feature ginger, turmeric, green tea extract and medicinal mushrooms. The Mediterranean diet full of fruits, fish, vegetables and olive oil will appeal to those who want to preserve brain health.

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Tea vs Coffee

Pouring a cup of teaIt's not a secret that American drink culture is mostly fueled by coffee in all its forms and brews. Starbucks and indie coffee shops are present in all large cities throughout the States. According to Benchmark, coffee might have a serious rivalry with tea in 2019. The beverage scene will start to be filled with tea cocktails and craft tea blending. In Ukraine, the tee movement exists mostly as a niche and focuses on Chinese classics like Pu'er tea.

Cruelty-free food

SheepThe science of food manifests in a new way in 2019: following the plant-based foods, more and more labs will be engaged in slaughter-free meat growing. That is, meat grown from animal cells opposed to obtaining it from a slaughtered animal. The future of culinary scene might change as the slaughterhouses, ranches and the larger part of the meat industry may become obsolete.

Besides, the transition could help humanity reduce energy consumption and clean up the water sources. Ventures like Tyson Food and Cargill, Future Meat Technologies in Israel and Mosa Meat in Holland are already interested in motherless meat labs.

Meal kits

Amazon meal kitBoth Baum+Whiteman and Mintel predict that pre-packaged meal kits will be a strong influence in 2019. The modern rhythm of life barely gives time for generations like Millennials to prepare proper delicious food. Some also may lack skills or equipment, yet want to enjoy the nutritious meal.

For this purpose, retail stores can assemble their own meal kits with sides and sauces for the premium, restaurant-like experience. The interest in this format won't be limited only by dinner meals but will range from snacks to beverage breaks. As for the restaurants, they could produce flexible meal kits based on the à la carte menu.

Photo sources:,, All images belong to their rightful authors.

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