Modern gentlemen who visit cosmetologists and dermatologists can be divided into two age groups:
- A category of young patients at the peak of the hormonal burst: young men with acne and other problems of an inflammatory nature. On male skin these processes are more pronounced and active, and also leave significant scars and markings. In this case it is necessary to assign correctly a set of measures: antibacterial drugs, professional care (usually peelings and cleansing) and appropriate products for use at home.
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- The category of men 40+. As a rule, these are status or public people for whom the issue of appearance and image is a matter of reputation. Their way of life is full of stress, lack of sleep, smoking, alcohol, frequent flights. All of this inexorably imposes their appearance. There can be reddening, the face loses its shape, wrinkles and puffiness are aggravated. Within every case a specialist appoints a set of salon procedures and home care products depending on the evidence of a particular problem.
But if we don’t speak about age problems and discuss the everyday "ailments" with which patients address to doctors, we can single out a few in-demand procedures for men and really good skin care products like creams for home care by Skeyndor, for example. This Spanish brand of cosmetics has a good range of products for anti-age and every day care for women and men as well. Coming back to procedures I would mention the main ones:
* Botulinotherapy. It is usually used to correct forehead wrinkles and also is used to solve such a pressing problem for men as hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating of the whole body or parts of it).
The effect of botulinum toxin on the work of sweat glands was noticed back in 1951, but for the first time the technique was tested on a man in 1994. The treatment gives good results. However, the effect of the procedure lasts about 9 months. The first signs of a decrease in sweating will be noticeable on the second-third day after injection. While this therapy with botulinum toxin it is not recommended to use antiperspirants, to visit the sauna, to sunbathe, to consume antibiotics and alcohol, to do back and collar massage.
* Intimate plastic. One of the most widespread and burning needs with which men address to cosmetologists is the change in the parameters of the genital organs. For this purpose it is currently used special preparations, for example, based on hyaluronic acid, which can increase the volume of the penis head, change the shape of the penis and to eliminate the problem of premature ejaculation. These drugs are slightly different from those that we use for the contour correction of the face. They have a significant visible effect, however, like all products based on hyaluronic acid, this effect is temporary.
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* Peelings. This procedure is undoubtedly in demand among men, it allows to eliminate the main aesthetic shortcomings of men's skin. Correctly selected peeling perfectly copes with the fatty shine of the skin, normalizes the production of sebum, smooths the relief and tone of the skin, it helps to slow down the aging process as well.
* Laser therapy. The procedure aims to combat the problems with blood vessels and reddening of the skin, it also helps to rejuvenate the skin of the face.
* Express procedures. Men, unlike women, do not like to spend a lot of time on the couch of a cosmetologist, so they chose the "lunch break" procedures. This care allows you to cope with skin problems quickly and effectively. As a rule such procedures are aimed at qualitative and deep cleansing, narrowing of pores, tonification and energization of the skin, making it more healthy and matte.
Tatyana Kolomoyets
In fact, men have no less skin problems than women and it is great that men have stopped to hide or to ignore them. More and more men visit specialists for qualified help that allows them to solve these problems effectively.
Professional Skin Care for Men: Specialist’s Recommendations

The stereotypes that men have to look like brutal Neanderthaler finally died in all progressive world. Now men do care about their appearance and this is not only about visiting gym twice per week and jogging every day. We talked about professional skin care with Tatyana Kolomoyets, a doctor-dermatologist of the highest category, PhD in medicine and general director of EuroEstetGroup.