Main Attractions of Cherkasy

Main Attractions of Cherkasy

Ukrainian city Cherkasy is the administrative center of Cherkasy oblast`. This beautiful city is located on the right bank of Kremenchug water storage, built in the middle course of Dnipro River. Cherkasy is an important industrial, cultural and educational center with interesting history. The city played a significant role in the formation of Ukrainian Cossacks army. Let us consider the most interesting sights and attractions of Cherkasy.

Dolina Roz park
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Dolina Roz (Valley of Roses) park is located on the bank of Kremenchug water storage only 500 meters away from the very center of Cherkasy. Locals as well as guests of the city love to spend leisure time here. In Dolina Roz, visitors are welcome to enjoy fresh air near mini-lakes or fountains, to walk along wandering alleys, to have a rest on nice benches. In the evening, the alleys are lighted with lanterns. Dolina Roz park is one of the most popular places for holding festivals, concerts and other events. In 2012, the large sun clock was installed on the park territory. The clock-face diameter is 15 meters. The special features of this clock are its big hand made as a crane; the clock-face decorated with iron-coated chairs. There are 12 chairs, like in famous book of Ilf and Petrov. The visitors of Dolina Roz can also enjoy the spectacular view on Dnipro River.
Address: 15/1, Gagarina street
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Hill of Glory
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Hill of Glory memorial complex was built in 1977 in the memory of Cherkasy soldiers, who died during defense of the city in the Second World War years. Motherland monument, located on the top of the Hill, is the central figure of the complex. The Hill is a grave mound for almost one thousand warriors. The height of the Hill is 10 meters, and the foundation width is 60 meters. Motherland monument is a large 10-meter high sculpture of a woman, holding both hands high in the air. She holds the bowl with eternal flame in her right hand, and her left hand is directed to the square in a blessing gesture. Visitors can reach the top of the Hill by granite terraces to enjoy a beautiful panoramic view of Kremenchug water storage. The Hill of Glory is surrounded by the granite wall with the names of Cherkasy fallen warriors. In 2009, Cherkasy became the first city in Ukraine where gas-fired eternal flame was replaced with artificial flame powered by electricity. Since then, the fire in the bowl of Motherland is burning 24/7.
Address: Slavy street
Sherbina`s House
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The mansion of Adrian Sherbina, which nowadays is used as a marriage palace, was the poshest private residence of Cherkasy in pre-revolutionary times. This building impressed even Soviet government, which was hostile to any expression of bourgeois capitalistic values. The Soviet authorities called Sherbina`s house “The House of Happiness” and began to use it as a place for wedding ceremonies. Adrian Sherbina was an engineer and a member of Cherkassy City Council. His mansion, which was built in 1892, is notable not only for its sophisticated architecture, but also for luxury decor. The mansion served as a residence of Municipal Council, but in 1919 local Revolutionary Committee members began to use it for their purposes, and then the building became the residence of Council of Workers`, Peasants` and Soldiers` Deputies. After the Second World War, Cherkassy City Committee of Ukrainian Communist Party and City Committee of Komsomol were located in Sherbina`s house. The mansion was turned into a marriage palace only in 1970. Nowadays, it is equipped with night illumination, and is included into the list of 5 mostly highlighted buildings of Ukraine.
Address: 3, Lenina street
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White Lotus Buddhist Temple
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White Lotus is the biggest Buddhist temple in Ukraine and in Europe. It was established in 1988 by the followers of Sha-Fut-Fan kung fu school. One of the Buddhist temples in Laos was used as a prototype for White Lotus. The architecture project of the temple was created by Vladimir Skubayev, the head of Cherkassy Buddhist community. According to the legend, an old stone with a picture of Buddha in warrior`s mask was found in process of laying temple`s foundation. Two statues of warriors, brought to Cherkassy from Tibet, are installed on the temple cell entrance. The floor of the ceremonial hall is covered by beautiful carpets, and the walls are decorated with wood and velvet. Buddhist followers learn Thai box and kung fu here. On Sundays, guests of temple are welcome to take part in an excursion and to watch a real tea ceremony.
Address: 4, Ivana Franka descent
St. Michael's Cathedral
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St. Michael's cathedral was built in 2000 according to the project of Sofroniy, Cherkassy and Kanev archbishop. The building keeps to Byzantine style. This 74-meter high Orthodox cathedral is the largest in Ukraine. The total capacity of the cathedral is 12 thousand people. Interior design of building impresses with beautiful hand paintings on walls and ceiling. The light, which goes through the windows in the top tier of the St. Michael's cathedral, creates an illusion of miraculous shining. Church visitors can have a rest in a cozy arbor located in the inner court. Old park near St. Michael's cathedral is full of interesting landmarks such as memorial sign to the victims of Stalinist purges, memorial to destroyed churches, diocesan buildings and other.
Address: 212, Ilyina street
Discover new interesting places of Ukraine, visiting the main attractions of Cherkasy.
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