Kiev Rus Park in Kopachev

Kiev Rus Park in Kopachev

Would you like to visit the ancient Kiev and feel the atmosphere of Kiev Rus of V-XIII centuries? It is possible today thanks to the park stretched on 10 acres near Kiev. "Kiev Rus Park" is located in a historically significant place mentioned in the chronicles that best suits the terrain and repeats the vegetation of the ancient Kiev thousands of years ago.

The founders of this place aimed to rebuild the Kiev Rus capital in 1:1 scale. Based on conclusions of historians and ethnographers they recreated Kiev citadel.
They reproduced an ancient city surrounded by powerful fortifications: the long shaft, five-meter deep moat, the entrance gate with guard towers. The twenty one meter high Michael's Gate is especially notable.

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While entering the territory you will see the royal court, the ambassadorial mansions, manors, shops, artisan merchants and craftsmen fair where you can buy souvenirs. You will see Perun hill and the cave of Nestor the Chronicler over here as well.
Restoration of the Prince Kyi housing, the palace of Askold and other princely palaces as well as four churches, two monasteries and other architectural masterpieces are in the future plans. The works will be done under the supervision of Professor Gleb Ivakin, the Scientific Project Manager and Deputy Director of the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences.

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"Kiev Rus Park" has its pride - true royal stables. More than 30 different breeds are collected over here. You can see here the horses of Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great and other great generals. Arab horses, Don - Cossacks favorite horses, Orlov trotters and cowboy water horses live here.

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“Kiev Rus Park" in Kopachev became the site of many festivals such as "Phoenix Bird", "Slavnitsa" and a festival of wooden sculptures called "Kiev Rus”. This is a place for theatrical medieval battles, tournaments, games, jousting battles, equestrian competitions.

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Not only can you touch the history, but also take part in it: try wearing medieval costumes, ride a horse and practice the archer. You might also like to make a pot of clay with your own hands.
Located 45 minutes car ride from Kiev.

Address: Kopachiv village, Obukhiv, Kiev Region 


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