5 Reasons to Visit Odessa

5 Reasons to Visit Odessa

Those who have already been to this charming seacoast city in the south of Ukraine, will easily explain what makes them come back many times! But if you still have not visited sunny Odessa, you may wonder what amusing attractions are waiting for you there. Check out our list of 5 reasons to visit Odessa – it will motivate you to pack a suitcase and buy a ticket to Odessa right away.

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The sea is the first thing that comes to mind when we mention Odessa. Picturesque Black Sea coast of Odessa is attractive in any season: though it seems that summer is the best time to go to the shore and enjoy salty waves and warm sand, a walk by the sea in autumn or winter may also become a very inspiring and romantic adventure. Salty air by the Black Sea will strengthen your health and calm down your mind. Just do not forget to put on warm clothes, which will protect you from sea breeze! Visit the best Odessa beaches, such as Langeron, Otrada, Arcadia or Zolotiy Bereg, and listen to the relaxing sound of sea waves and gulls, feeling peace deep inside your soul. Spending time by the sea is surely on the top of 5 reasons to visit Odessa.
Local cuisine
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Classic Odessa cuisine unites culinary traditions of many national cuisines such as Ukrainian, Russian, Jewish, Georgian, Armenian, Uzbek, Bulgarian, Moldavian and Greek. However, Odessa food has its own authentic flavor. Being a seaside city, Odessa is well known for its delicious dishes based on seafood. Gefilte fish, made of several kinds of fish such as pike, mullet, carp and pikeperch, is a popular option for dinner. You may also try fried Black Sea flounder and goby. Other worthy Odessa meals with seafood include pilaf with mussels, forshmak and Black Sea sprat rissole. Small boiled shrimps are traditional beer snacks. As for side dishes, do not miss a chance to try Odessa eggplant hummus.
Read: Odesa City Food Market: Best Street Food Vendors Under One Roof
Odessa courtyards
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Experience of visiting Odessa yards is one of the most important among 5 reasons to visit Odessa. Despite the fact that Odessa is mostly famous by the main sights such as Opera and Potemkin stairs, many locals are sure that the soul of the city lives in its small snug courtyards. These yards are hidden from people`s eyes in innocuous-looking arches between old buildings, and if you step inside, you will be fascinated by authentic charm of these places. Vintage cars, fluffy cats, wash hanging on lines, old benches and wooden window frames – everything here will make you feel cozy and somehow like at home. Small city yards are places to sense the true spirit of Odessa and to have a rest, keeping a nice relaxing conversation with friendly locals.
Read: Non-Touristic Odesa: Secret Places
Humorous and friendly people
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Friendliness and sense of humor of Odessa people are widely known and reflected in many funny stories, jokes and songs. It seems that Odessa locals never make drama and always look at the positive side of things. Such opinion is easily confirmed by the fact that Humorina, the festival of humor and satire, is annually held on April 1 in Odessa. Undoubtedly, such festival could not take place in the city of sad and serious people! So if you want to forget about your problems for a while and have a good laugh, you should definitely make good friends in Odessa. It will not be very complicated – Odessa dwellers are friendly, open-minded and happy to meet new people. Enjoy your time in Odessa, communicating and having fun with locals!
Sophisticated architecture
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The architecture in the center of Odessa steals your heart right away. Guests of the city can walk around for hours, delighted by beautiful views of old buildings. Odessa architectural ensemble is represented by many styles of XIX-XX centuries, such as Classicism, Empire, Neo-Baroque, Neo-Gothic, Modern, Neo-Classicism, Constructionism and Post-Modernism. Due to multi-nationality of Odessa, the architecture of religious buildings is mainly influenced by Greek and Byzantine traditions, while façade compositions of many residential buildings are notable for elements typical for Italian, French and even Armenian architecture. In Odessa, you may please your eyes with great number of fascinating buildings, such as Passage, Opera, Philharmonic Hall, mansion of count Tolstoy, House with Atlants and many other.
The full list of reasons to go Odessa is endless, but even these 5 reasons to visit Odessa are enough to make you head to this wonderful city!
Photo source: shutterstock.com. All photos belong to their rightful owners.


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