From IT to psychology and English language - 10 online platforms with free educational courses

online learning

Acquiring knowledge, improving qualifications, and developing new skills are valuable strategies in an era of radical change and instability. All that remains is to find out where and how you can learn without excessive effort.

We strive to be as helpful as possible to Ukrainians who had to leave their homeland due to war. As such, we have curated a selection of interesting courses and an article about resources for learning German and French. Today, we offer material with information about educational platforms where you can access a variety of free (and paid) courses that provide diverse knowledge.

Go ahead, choose, and learn with pleasure.

Ed Era is a well-known Ukrainian online education platform that offers paid and free courses in IT, history, culture, entrepreneurship, psychology, medicine, and other fields. Parents will find numerous courses on the website to prepare for university entrance exams. Upon completing courses on the platform, you can receive a certificate. The "МовиТи" (Languages You) course, designed to foster a love for the Ukrainian language, is particularly interesting.

Campster is an interactive online learning platform offering 20 courses in six different areas. It features excellent free courses on the basics of programming, internet marketing, time management, English, and copywriting. Pay attention to the opportunity to thoroughly learn Adobe Photoshop.

Creative Practice - online lectures, courses, and masterclasses by Ukrainian experts in design, self-development, PR, copywriting, programming, and more. Many courses are beginner-friendly, especially in learning software. Subscriptions start from 250 UAH per month, with the first week being free.

"Culture and Creativity" - a portal created to support the development of cultural and creative industries. It contains a wealth of helpful information and interesting case studies. In the "Online Learning" section, there are several courses for cultural managers on fundraising, communication, marketing, and strategic planning, including short lectures for those who want to excel in project proposals.

Projector Humanitarium - offers access to 12 video courses on philosophy, sociology, art history, design, literature, advertising, and more. All these courses will be free for Ukrainians until Ukraine's victory and for one month after. Excellent opportunities for creative industry professionals. We recommend checking out the courses on "How Composition Works" and "How Color Works."

Coursera - a large platform with courses and lectures from over 200 leading global universities and companies. Many of them can be audited for free after registration. Students receive certificates upon completion, though courses are primarily English or Russian. The company also offers free courses to Ukrainians through Coursera for Campus. To access them, university or college employees must register via the link.

Prometheus - a platform that provides access to over 40 Ukrainian-language online courses on various topics, from information hygiene and stress resilience to financial management and building your own business. Many courses focus on general development and building a responsible civil society.

SendPulse Academy - offers free online courses, training, and webinars on email marketing, web analytics, chatbot creation, landing pages, contextual advertising setup, and more.

VUM online - an educational initiative that promotes civil society development in Ukraine. They offer various free online courses on volunteering, decision journalism, economic literacy for citizens, and more. Pay attention to the "Economic Literacy for Citizens" courses and "First Psychological Aid in Emergencies and Crisis Situations."

Impactorium - a resource with free courses on financial literacy, non-financial reporting, corporate social responsibility, and building a successful career.

We hope you find the platforms and courses in this selection helpful in gaining the knowledge you need and ultimately achieving your goals. Happy learning!



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