The main focus of the shop will be made on ceramics. This year, after analyzing strong interest of the audience, Vsi. Svoyi team decided to separate ceramic items. The shop will unite potters from the whole country: 50 participants have already registered. “Vsi Svoyi: Home and Décor” is going to present various ceramic schools and styles.
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Anna Lukovkina, the author and the head of Vsi Svoyi project, says: “While working at home and décor markets, we noticed great demand for signature items: Ukrainians and foreigners show interest to object design and décor. The number of Ukrainian producers offering high-quality items tends to grow, and they are searching for a permanent platform to present their works to consumers. We have been working with decor segment in the retail format (the shop on 27, Khreschatyk street), and we understand that this sector needs its own large platform.
That is why we decided to open a new shop, which will present ceramics, textiles, furniture, décor and many other signature items. It will also be the territory of unique modern Ukrainian gifts. Now, if you look for a stylish plaid, interesting vase or cup that will surely become your favorite, you should go to 34, Khreschatyk street. Finally, all these amazing things are gathered at one place, and I am sure that no one will leave the shop empty-handed.
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I, for example, admire things that have soul, especially ceramics: I want to buy all at once even on the phase of choosing brands. By the way, “Porcelain-Faience” utensils shop, a significant and favorite place for many Kyiv dwellers, was previously located at the same address. For us, this is very symbolic.”
Anna also notes that the place for “Vsi Svoyi: Home and Décor” shop was chosen by the following criteria: publicity of the main street of the country, opportunity for comfortable shopping in the city center, huge area, closeness to the first shop on 27, Khreschatyk street.
The new shop is located at 34, Khreschatyk street. Its launch will happen in several phases: at the beginning, the first and the underground floor will be opened, then comes the second floor. The opening is scheduled for the summer. The final date will be announced shortly before the event.
Vsi Svoyi project team also says that the opening of the new shop does not mean a pause in holding home and décor markets. Thematic events on 12, Desiatynna street, will welcome visitors like it was before.
Address: 34, Khreschatyk street
Photo source: Vsi. Svoyi project photo archive. All photos belong to their rightful owners.
Vsi. Svoyi Project Opens New Shop on Khreschatyk

Vsi Svoyi (“All Ours”) project is about to open new thematic “Vsi Svoyi: Home and Décor” shop in the center of Ukrainian capital. It will be the largest shopping space with Ukrainian goods for home and décor. The new shop, embracing 3 floors with overall area of 1500 sq. m, will present around 120 brands of utensils, ceramics, kitchenware, textile for bedroom and kitchen, plaids and pillows, lighting, furniture, home décor, stationeries and souvenirs.