Ukrainian Fashion Week in Kyiv October 2016

Ukrainian Fashion Week in Kyiv October 2016

Photo: UFW web pageDates of October 12th to October 18th are marked red in every fashionista’s diary in Ukraine. This is the time for Spring/Summer 2017 Ukrainian fashion week, the single most important event of Ukrainian fashion. Ukrainian Fashion Week presents new campaign for Spring-Summer 2017 season.

This time the collections of 76 various designers will be presented in Kyiv. Also, the organizers of the Ukrainian Fashion Week intrigued the visitors of the press-conference dedicated to the launch of the UFW new campaign by mentioning the presentation of a unique special platform for young designers named Fresh Fashion Day. This special project will be presented during the fashion week.
Read: Best Fashion Awards Ukraine

Ukraine Fashion Week 2

Photo: UFW web page
Recently the schedule of the 39th Ukrainian Fashion Week was revealed. The shows of Andre Tan, Poustovit, Elena Burenina, Zalevskiy, Frolov, Burba, Elena Reva and an impressive number of other top notch Ukrainian designers are among most anticipated shows.

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Each season the Organizers of Ukrainian Fashion Week discover new names and help the most talented young designers enter the world of professional fashion. New generation of Ukrainian fashion is the most intriguing and exciting object to observe by specialists. This season Ukrainian Fashion Week presents a separate platform for the young generation of designers – Fresh Fashion Day. It will be held on October 17 in Parkovyi convention and exhibition centre.


Photo: UFW web page
UFW is also a platform for a number of showrooms and special projects. During Spring/Summer 2017 Ukrainian fashion week all guests will have a chance to shop for exclusive fashion pieces at «All About Footwear», «Parfume Corner» and «Accessories» showrooms.


Photo: LAKE Facebook page
Art Fashion Space at Mysteckiy Arsenal will offer a unique fashion interior design project «Who’s behind the screen?» by ALPI FINDER. This project aimed at creating unique pieces of interior design - screens by collaborations of the most popular and hip designers (both fashion and interior) and furniture manufacturers in Ukraine.


Photo: Alpi Finder web page
Read: Ukrainian Fashion Brands Known Abroad
Attend Ukrainian Fashion Week for your seasonal fashion fix. Especially when it seems like Ukrainian brands became a big hit in world fashion. This is a perfect event for inspiration and networking.


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