Meiwei Drive-Thru Pan-Asian restaurant

Meiwei Drive-Thru Pan-Asian restaurant

Times when petrol stations were just a place for a fast snack and a cup of low quality coffee went away. Now a lot of them are spots with good cuisine and places for real rest while your trip. Meiwei restaurant at OKKO petrol station is really worth visiting.

Three types of cuisine are represented in Meiwei: Thai, Chinese and Japanese.

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“In Ukraine, there is already a trend of Pan-Asian cuisine, which is mostly represented in the premium segment restaurants. While creating a Meiwei concept we, first of all, wanted to show that this cuisine can be not only delicious, but also affordable. The project can be considered as a new generation of "smartfood".

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Meiwei is for every day. Workflow allows you to cook and serve a dish for a few minutes immediately after the order regardless of whether the guest will have it in the restaurant, or take it at a drive through window” - Konstantine Smoliy, the project manager, says.

Read: Koya: the first pan-Asian restaurant in Kyiv

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Menu for Meiwei was created by a famous restaurateur and gastro-expert Victoria Parkhomenko, who got her unique knowledge in 23 culinary schools.
"Pan-Asian food is not caloric: it uses vegetable oil, noodles fried in a wok - a special frying pan with thick walls, which instantly heats up and keeps the maximum benefit of the products. A lot of spices are used while cooking and it also has a positive effect on metabolism" – she says.

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In future the menu will be expanded; there will be also dishes of India, Singapore, Malaysia as well as a special seasonal menu.

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As for the interior, the room is spacious enough for 70 guests (including outdoor area). The predominance of light colors visually enhances the space. An open kitchen allows you watching the chefs cooking.

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By the way, since there is no description of dishes in the menu, but only images and names, you have to try once all of them or to ask the chefs. They are happy to talk, without detracting from the preparation process.
4 A, Str. Novokonstantinivska, Kiev,"OKKO" petrol station, tel. +38 067 472 56 11


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