Daniel Mitel and Solar Impulse: following the sun

Daniel Mitel and Solar Impulse: following the sun

Daniel Mitel visited Kiev early May 2016. Daniel is Canadian coach who offers a variety of training courses helping to improve a person's inner world and get the new understanding of life based on the interaction of mind and heart.

Not long ago Daniel began to provide trainings for Bertrand Picсard, the founder and the pilot of «Solar Impulse» project. The project is aimed at construction of an aircraft that uses solar energy only. At the moment the plane takes a flight round the world making technical landings worldwide. There is just one pilot in a cabin but a lot of people on earth follow the flight ensuring its performance and safety.

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Photo shutterstock 182758376
The Swiss Confederation is European and world leader in terms of alternative energy usage and it strongly supports similar projects around the world, Ukraine including. The fact that our meeting with Daniel took place in the Embassy of the Swiss Confederation in Kiev was very symbolic since the Embassy itself took the lead in organizing this meeting. We talked about Daniel’s training courses, his work with «Solar Impulse» project and about his ideas regarding the alternative energy and energy efficiency in general as well as potential of Ukraine in this sphere.
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Daniel, please tell us a little bit about your workshops.
I do workshops for people who want to balance their inner energy. The purpose of these trainings is to help people to see the best of this world. This method is based on the teachings of one famous American coach and on the studies of the Institute of HeartMath (the largest institution in the world that deals with the relationship of the heart and brain). I also teach a special spinal breathing, so called Kriya Yoga. Every time I visit Kiev I am very happy. I would like to come here more often, but I travel around the world and there are some countries which I visit once every three years, as Australia, for example. But I'm sure that people here need such kind of trainings more than anywhere else.
Who are your students? Do you work with corporate clients or can anyone attend your trainings? Are there specific Ukrainian aspects in terms of such master-classes?
These trainings are for people who are constantly under stress and they need help to understand themselves better. I'll take both corporate and open trainings. If I do it for the company we find out its special needs: whether they need stress management, emotional intelligence or they want to focus on creative ideas. In Ukraine I held open trainings also, and I want to note that there are more involved people from the regions than from Kiev.

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Daniel, please tell us about your collaboration with «Solar Impulse» project and Bertrand Piccard, its pilot and founder.
I met with Bertrand in December last year when we conducted «Motivate Yourself» training together with my partner and CEO of our company Agatha in Lausanne. At the same time Bertrand presented the first part of his project. We've understood that this is very important complex project and offered him our trainings. Bertrand's liked our approach, and we've realized that we can be helpful to each other. But «Solar Impulse» is not only Bertrand. The project consists of three divisions: head office in Lausanne, flight control center in Monaco, which controls all processes and is similar to NASA control center, and mobile team, which travels over the world following the plane's route.
What tasks did you set for yourself in the framework of this project?
Our main job is to work with Bertrand so that he is able to make the aircraft fly because he should be logical and focused. There are special self-regulation techniques that allow you to focus and make the right decisions in a short period of time. All this is necessary to overcome the multi-day flights for a single person in the aircraft.
What inspires you while working with «Solar Impulse» project?
The main thing is the sense of belonging to something new, the innovative approach, which is able to change the world for the better. It inspires a lot.

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Photo Shutterstock 146078057
The project is focused on developing alternative sources of energy. Are you a person close to the topic?
I monitor energy efficiency projects around the world for many years. In 2013 I visited the solar power plant in Arizona (Solana Generating Station). Another similar station was opened in 2009 in the Canadian city of Sarnia. That time it was the world's most powerful photovoltaic plant (80 MW). I am confident that this is the future.
You visited Kiev a lot of times. Do you notice any changes in people? Do you like these changes?
This is my seventh visit to Kiev. Yes, I see the changes in the mentality of people. In the last 2-3 years it has become very obvious that most people are in a state of stress. They talk a lot about politics. I do not know any other country in the world where people can talk all day about politics. In my opinion, people are tired about this experience. I believe in good changes in the future, because I've seen similar changes in Bulgaria, Romania, Poland. I am sure that the same changes for the better will occur in Ukraine. I think people here need to be a little bit more relaxed.

Energy saving is a hot topic for Ukrainians today. What can you advise Ukrainians in terms of it?
I'm sure that this is primarily a question of education. Media must constantly transmit the rules and principles of energy saving, increase the awareness on this issue. When I am in Kiev I see a lot of unnecessary waste of energy and water. People think that it is not their business. They think that it is not their water and their electricity, but in fact it is not like this. Also you need to change your approach to the issue of waste sorting and recycling of raw materials. Last week, in Norway, I observed small children putting some plastic bottles into a special machine, which then gave them money. With this money they could buy juice or sweets. These children are educated in this area. There are many excellent examples that can be used in Ukraine. There are very intelligent and smart people here; they have a very high level of intelligence. I'm sure you need to do quite a bit of effort in terms of right education of politicians, government and school children and it can give excellent results.


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