Kyiv Food Festivals in April 2017

Kyiv Food Festivals in April 2017

The warm spring season brings us new energy, and everyone feels hunger for all the pleasures of life. Kyiv Food Festivals in April 2017 will satisfy your hunger for delicious food and drinks!

Ulichnaya eda (Street food festival)
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Ulichnaya eda festival in Kyiv has successfully popularized European culture of cooking and consuming street food in Ukraine. This event usually gathers more than 30 thousand people, and this number continues to grow. The organizers are always glad to present new interesting enthusiasts of food making such as restaurants, cafes, food trucks, craft manufacturers, farmers, hand-makers and many others. In 2017 Ulichnaya eda is starting its cooperation with “Istok” musical studio. It means that the festival will be a good start-up not only for food makers, but also for young musicians. As for visitors, they will experience double delight – new tasty food and new modern music sound in one place. The best street food is waiting for everyone on 8-9 April, 2017, in “Art-zavod Platforma” space, 1 Bilomorska str., near Lisova subway station in Kyiv.
Read: The Ultimate Guide to April Festivals in Ukraine
“Kyivski Kontrakty” Big City Fair
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April is the best time to visit a large outdoor fair in the city center. The best spring fair in Kyiv “Kyivski Kontrakty” offers its visitors a wide range of activities. The main fair includes everything from hand-made clothes and accessories to original presents and souvenirs. A big food-court presents different kinds of dishes for all tastes – healthy food fans as well as lovers of sweets, candies and greasy roast meat will surely find what they like. “Kyivski Kontrakty” does not forget about its little visitors – there will be a plenty of enjoyable activities in the area for kids. While children play, their parents are invited to take part in diverse master-classes and to learn some new skills under the guidance of professionals. “Kyivski Kontrakty” will be held on 8-9 April, 2017, on Sports square, 1, right near Palats Sportu subway station in Kyiv.
Read: April 2017 Cultural Events in Kyiv
All-Ukraine Easter Charity Fair
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This April Orthodox Ukrainians celebrate Easter. Traditionally, many events and festivals are held in Kyiv in connection with this religious holiday. One of them is Easter Charity Fair in Ukrainian house in the central part of the city. Here all visitors are welcome to taste traditional Easter specialties such as sweet fragrant Easter cakes and proficiently painted Easter eggs. Besides that, Charity Fair provides everyone with an opportunity to buy hand-made souvenirs, presents and authorial jewelry. People interested in authentic Ukrainian crafts will be able to join various master-classes. Money for goods sold on Easter Charity Fair will be gathered and handed over to the orphan homes. All-Ukraine Easter Charity Fair will take place on 13-15 of April in Ukrainian house, Khreschatyk, 2, near Maidan Nezalezhnosti subway station in Kyiv.
The middle spring is in bloom, it`s time to go outside and enjoy delicious meals and other worthy experiences on Kyiv Food Festivals in April 2017.
Photo source:, All photos belong to their rightful owners.


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