“Migration - The future in retrospect” - IOM presents photo exhibition in Bern


To celebrate 30 years of fruitful collaboration with the Swiss government, IOM Switzerland presents an exhibition by photojournalist Darrin Zammit Lupi: a selection of major historical events of migration and human displacement in Africa, Asia, and Europe (1994 – 2023).

Mr. Zammit has covered several international events involving migrants and refugees. His photos have been widely published in main news agencies. He has received several international awards.

You can see a collection of historically important migration movements from 1994 to the present day, which have also shaped Switzerland. 

Migration patterns are becoming increasingly complex – driven by changes we see in the modern world, and influenced by them. Due to limited regular migration routes and protection mechanisms, migrants face risks such as violence, exploitation, and cruel treatment. In many parts of the world, human smuggling, trafficking, and modern slavery have become a highly profitable, illegal business, causing unspeakable suffering. Additionally, the increasing politicization of migration worsens the prospects for people fleeing. For centuries, migration has contributed to development, prosperity, and progress. Considering the consequences of serious global changes – from climate change to demographic shifts and from urbanization to digitalization – migration must be part of the solution.

The exhibition takes place 16/02/24 - 17/03/24 in Kornhousforum Bern 

Ausstellung Galerie, 2. OG


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