Ukrainian singer Artem Pivovarov embarks on a charitable tour across cities in Europe

Artem Pivovarov

The European tour of the Ukrainian singer will begin on June 3 with a concert in Budapest. On June 5, he will perform in Zurich, and the time will conclude on July 8 in Katowice, Poland. During this period, Artem Pivovarov will also perform for his fans in Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, and France.

The concert program will feature the artist's beloved hits and several premieres as part of his inspiring authorial project, "Your Verses, My Notes." 

Before the tour, we had the opportunity to talk to Artem about his creativity, philanthropy, and new projects.

You will begin a grand tour of European countries in early June. What is its main message? Let us know what your fans can expect.

Our concerts always create a unique atmosphere and exchange of energy. Each performance is unique and leaves a lasting impression, which is why people keep coming back. I am delighted to have the opportunity to represent Ukraine and promote its culture worldwide because, as artists, we are the ambassadors of our country. We can convey important messages and support our homeland under challenging times.

On May 5th and 6th, you had major concerts at the "Ukraine" Palace in Kyiv with the National Academic Folk Instruments Orchestra of Ukraine (NAONI) and the Revutsky Male Choir. You are arguably the first Ukrainian singer to return to the big stage in this way after the start of the full-scale war. What does this return mean to you? Have you been able to accomplish everything you planned?

In fact, we never disappeared from the stage. Since the start of the full-scale war, we have held charity concerts throughout Ukraine wherever possible, despite all the difficulties, because we realized that our people needed moral support. We were convinced of this every time we visited a particular city and interacted with the audience. The concerts with NAONI and the Revutsky Choir were undoubtedly unique. It was a long-standing dream of mine. Our team understood that we needed to organize these concerts right now, despite all the obstacles, because it is an important event that influences our country's aesthetic and cultural development.

Not long ago, you released the album "Your Verses, My Notes," which features songs based on the poems of Ukrainian poets. What inspired its creation, and could you achieve what you had planned? 

It all started with the "Pleiades" project, filmed for one TV channel. I needed to recite a poem by Ivan Franko, so I took my guitar, came up with a melody in 15 minutes, and sang it. After posting the video, I received positive feedback, especially from teachers. That's when I realized that I should continue. Through the "Your Verses, My Notes" project, I can popularize culture, foster a love for literature, and tell stories about prominent Ukrainian figures. It's an essential mission for me.

The last composition from this project is titled "Lyublyu" ("I Love") and was realized in collaboration with Masha Yefrosinina. How was it working with her? After all, she previously mentioned that she doesn't sing at all. 

For Masha, my proposal was indeed unexpected. I enjoy discovering new facets in people, and I'm glad she accepted this challenge, trusting me as a musician. Although we haven't known each other for long, it felt like we've known each other for a long time. Masha is open-minded and not afraid to be different. It's exciting and enjoyable to work with such people.

You have organized many concerts for Ukrainian soldiers. What do these meetings personally mean to you? 

It's vital to me. These brave soldiers protect us, risking their lives, and fight for the right to live freely on our native land. Thanks to them, we wake up every day. Therefore, we must do everything possible to help them. Supporting our military, engaging in conversations with them, and having the opportunity to shake their hands is an honor, motivation, and a reminder of the price of freedom.

Recently, you and your team visited a children's home in Odessa. You gave musical instruments to the children as gifts. Why is this important to you? 

We must take care of children; they are the future of our country. Only some are fortunate enough to have people by their side who can give valuable advice and serve as good examples. I will gladly contribute, inspire, and bring positive emotions. The children wanted to play musical instruments, and our team helped make it possible because dreams should come true. Perhaps, in the future, there will be talented musicians emerging from this children's home. That would make me extremely happy because I played a role in facilitating it.

The past year has been extremely difficult for Ukraine and Ukrainians. What was the hardest for you during this period? What have you become accustomed to, and what still feels unfamiliar? What has impressed you the most since the beginning of the war? 

For over a year, we have been living in danger and stress. We have adapted to many things. Even the constant shelling, unfortunately, has become something familiar, though no less painful. I was pleasantly surprised by how our people have united; we have become interdependent. Our people inspire me.

What can your fans expect in the near future? 

Since the beginning of 2022, we have released 14 works with music videos and one album and have performed numerous charity concerts in Ukraine and abroad. Of course, we plan to continue. There will be new works within the cultural project "Your Verses, My Notes" and surprises because what would it be without them? Soon, we are looking forward to welcoming everyone to charity tours in Europe and the USA to support Ukraine. Come and experience the incredible Ukrainian energy!



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