Historic meeting of the most powerful initiative groups and associations created in support of Ukraine


On February 4, for the first time in the history of the Ukrainian Society in Switzerland, on the initiative of the Honorary Consul of Ukraine and the President of the Ukrainian Society (UTS) and the Ambassador of Ukraine to Switzerland Iryna Venediktova, the most powerful Ukrainian groups was invited to the FORUM YEHUDI MENUHIN in Bern.


The reason for this important meeting was the need to create an open coordination council, which has become apparent over the past year, to unite the maximum number of associations that were created in support of Ukraine before the outbreak of full-scale war and after February 24, 2022.

The purpose of this first official meeting of the active Ukrainian communities was to exchange contacts, ideas and meet old and new friends.

Each association or group of like-minded people made informative presentations of humanitarian aid, cultural and educational projects implemented during the last year of war. The creation of a database of initiative groups with a proven track record and a joint photo and singing of the Ukrainian anthem concluded this Bern February meeting.

- "The main goal of the coordinating council," said Andriy Luzhnytsky, the President of the Ukrainian Society, "is to join forces and work together. This way it is easier to draw attention to our issues in communication with official structures. And if we stick together, we will achieve much greater results. We need one political voice, one public voice, and one Ukrainian voice. And then we will have a greater impact on our partners here and on the support of Ukraine that comes from all these institutions. I think Ukraine will win only if we are selfless, not selfish. That is what brought everyone to this meeting. We are working on creating a website where we can unite all the organizations of people who are involved in helping the Ukrainian people. Our task is to make our voice loud and powerful.


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