Colors repel darkness: world-famous swiss artist lightened the historical buildings in Kyiv


The world-famous Swiss artist Harry Hofstetter and his team deliberately refused to celebrate Christmas with their families as a sign of solidarity with Ukraine.

On Christmas Eve Sir Harry arrived in Ukraine, which is drowning in darkness due to regular terrorist attacks by the Russian Federation. In order to give Ukrainians light and hope for the Christmas holidays, Harry Hofstetter, together with four colleagues, implemented a light installation project in the heart of Ukraine, the city of Kyiv. For three days, fantastic projections with Ukrainian cultural symbols, Christmas-themed abstractions, embroidery, sunflowers and many other bright and cheerful images covered the facades of the most famous historic buildings in Kyiv. To ensure uninterrupted power supply for the installations, the artist brought his own generator with him.

This year, due to the Russian invasion, many Ukrainians cannot celebrate the New Year holidays in a warm and cozy environment with friends and relatives. With his works the artist aims to prove that it is worth living and protecting our homeland, the planet Earth, and the environment.

Projections that appeared in Kyiv are broadcast live so they can be seen from any corner of Ukraine and the world. Images of individual projections are created at the moment of the light performance in the form of NFT and are placed on the Opensea NFT platform. The funds received from the NFT sales will go towards the artist's next campaign in support of Ukraine.

The project was implemented with the support of the Swiss Embassy in Ukraine, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Ukrainian State Agency for Arts and Art Education.


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